Buying the Ring (his P.O.V)

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                             NiallI have a slight idea of what Y/N's style is but I want it to be perfect so I may have told her best friend Y/BFF/N about the proposal so she could help me out

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I have a slight idea of what Y/N's style is but I want it to be perfect so I may have told her best friend Y/BFF/N about the proposal so she could help me out.

We looked around for about an hour until I saw this one ring. In my mind I could picture it on her finger and it looked perfect. "Hey Y/BFF/N, what about this one?" I called out. Y/BFF/N came over and looked at the ring. "She'll love it Niall. Absolutely love it" she said smiling widely at the idea of her best friend getting married.

That was the ring I bought and is now the ring I have to somehow hide from Y/N.

While I was at the studio Y/N's mom called me to tell me to stop by her house before I go home. I had no idea what she wanted but if she called me and not Y/N it could be revolving around Y/N. After I left the studio I went straight to Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N's house.

I knocked on the door and shortly after Mrs. Y/L/N answered. "Good you're here! I have something to give to you," she said guiding me into the house and then her kitchen.

She picked up a little box and opened it. I couldn't see what it was until she turned it around. It was an engagement ring.

"This was Y/N's grandmothers ring. When she was younger she loved it so much and wanted to have a ring just like that. When her grandmother died that just made her want it even more. So Harry I'm giving you this to propose to Y/N with" she said slightly smiling at the memory. "Thank you so much Mrs. Y/L/N" I said. "Call me Y/M/N" she said.

Wow. That was the nicest thing that her parents have ever done to me.

I knew just which ring I wanted to get Y/N. One day when we were walking down the streets and in a window of a jewelry shop she saw a ring that she LOVED. Her exact words were, "When I get married I want that. It reminds me of my moms."

So naturally, here I am at that exact shop getting that exact ring.

"This is a very special ring. The person receiving this is very lucky." The women selling it to me said. "She saw it one day and loved it. She said it reminded her of her moms" I said looking down at the ring in the box. "Her and her mother have good taste in jewelry then" the women laughed. "I guess so" I said and with that I left.

I had no idea of what I was going to get Y/N. She never wears jewelry so I just couldn't figure it out. One day before she left for work I decided I would stop her and low key ask her what her type was.

"Alright Liam I gotta go. Love you" she said getting ready to open the door. "Wait I need to ask you something. You and my sister have a really similar taste in jewelry and her birthday is coming up so what is something I should get her?" I asked. "Well personally I like simple things. Maybe a couple jewels her and there. I also like silver over gold because it goes with stuff more." She explained. "Alright thanks, love you!" I called out as she left.

Later that day I went to a place that sells rings. I found one that fit her example perfectly. I bought it and left. That was easier then I thought it would be.

It was a couple weeks after I asked for permission and I had already found the ring.

One day while Y/N and I were having a lazy day she saw this ring in a magazine and was just amazed by it. She loves the style, color, the amount of jewels, everything.

I later found myself looking at who sold that ring and made my way down to that shop. Luckily it was a one of a kind and no one had got it so that meant it was meant to be AND she will be the only women in the world to have that ring.


Edited: March 5, 2017

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