Picking the Venue

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You and Niall had been thinking and talking non-stop about where you wanted your wedding to be. You would suggest something and then he would say something the complete opposite. It was really starting to take a toll on you because of stress.

One day you and Niall had just got into a big argument and you couldn't take it anymore. You ran into your bedroom, slammed the door, and burst into tears. You kept thinking things like "If we can't even agree on something like that will we ever be able to agree on anything."

Suddenly you felt someone hug you from behind and rest their head on your shoulder. It was Niall.
"Babe, I'm really sorry. I know you've been stressed out and our arguing isn't helping," he said. "It's not just your fault. It's mine too," you admitted.

You guys stood in silence until you spoke up, "What if we have the ceremony in Ireland and then the reception at that pub you took me to the first time I met your family." "I love that idea. I think we just solved where we are getting married." "I think we did too," you said and turned your head so you could kiss his cheek.

You and Harry haven't talked much about the venue but you thought you should start soon. So you decided to ask one day while you and Harry both had a free day.

"So Harry, I need to ask you something. I know we haven't thought much about the wedding but I think it's time we should start looking for venue's at least," you said moving so you were facing him. "Actually I've been thinking about that to."

The next few hours you guys tried to decide on a ceremony. You thought of so many different things.
As you were looking you saw a lodge in the alps that looked beautiful. As you looked closely you saw it was in Southern Italy. It just sounded wonderful.

"Hey Harry look at this," you said handing him your laptop. As he looked at it he slowly started smiling. "It's beautiful, Y/N. I love it," Harry said looking up at you. "Well I guess we're taking a trip to Italy in the near future," you said leaning forward and kissing Harry.

Everyday secretly you had been looking at wedding venues while Louis was at the studio. You had found an area in France that was breathtaking. It had a church for the ceremony that was full of beautiful architecture and a big field with a lake just a mile away.

You had forgot to close your laptop while you went to start dinner so when Louis got home he saw the screen and the pictures that littered it. He saw how beautiful everything there was and almost loved it as much as you did.

When you went into the lounge to get your phone you saw Louis at your computer. "Oh Louis, I didn't hear you come in. Whatcha looking at," you said already knowing what he was looking at.

"It's beautiful. How long have you been looking at places," he asked putting his forehead against yours. "Almost a month now. I knew you have been so busy lately; I didn't want to disturb you but, I love this place so much. I was going to show you when you came home," you said.

"It's beautiful. Where is it located," he asked. "France," you trailed off thinking he wouldn't want to travel to France. "You need to stop doubting yourself. I can tell by the look in your eyes and the way you said that you love it. From the looks of it, I absolutely love the place," he said. "So have we agreed on a place to get married," you questioned trying to hide your big grin. "I think we have," Louis said then kissing you.

That night at dinner all you could talk about was how excited you were to be able to go to France.

You had had a very stressful week at work and all you wanted to do was go home and cuddle with Liam and watch movies. When you got home however you didn't see Liam in the lounge, kitchen, or bedroom. You started to worry until you heard him calling you.

"Liam where the hell are you," you shouted out. I'm in the study," he called back. "Why is he in the study? We only use that when we do work at home," you thought to yourself.

As you went down the stairs to the floor that the study was in you saw Liam at the computer looking like he had been there all day. It was his day off so maybe he had.

"What are you doing," you said as you looked over his shoulder. You saw he was looking at places to get married in L.A , California. "I'm looking at places to get married. I feel really bad for taking you away from where you grew up (go with it for the sake of the story pls) so I thought maybe, just maybe, we could get married there," he said scratching the back of his neck. His kindness brought tears to your eyes. He'd really be willing to go back to L.A just for your wedding.

You see, when your parents died your older brother had already lived in London so you moved up here to stay with him for a while. You met Liam while you where staying here and you haven't been back since. It was hard because you lived there for 19 years of your life.

"You'd go all the way to California just so I could visit back home," you said trying not to break down. "Yeah. And plus I found this really nice place that we could rent out for a whole day and then at the same place they have a really nice area fir the reception," Liam said. "Well Mr. Payne I think we found our place," you said giving him a kiss and then going to make dinner.

One day while you were out at lunch with Trisha when she brought up the topic of wedding venues.
"So have you guys thought of where you want to get married yet," she asked. "Actually no, but there are some places I have in mind," you stared stirring your drink. You had really wanted to talk to Zayn about it but he hasn't been home. He was away on a business trip in the U.S.A and talking over the phone just wouldn't do it justice.

"Well where have you thought about," she said sounding really interested. "Well I would really love Spain because of the sights and the culture. It's so beautiful and my parents took me there once when I was little and I would love to go back," you said replaying the memory from when you were younger. "Have you told Zayn about this," she asked. "I've told him about the trip from when I was younger but not how much I love it there," you said.

You and Trisha continued to eat lunch until you decided you guys were done and left. When you got home you thought if you should tell Zayn or not. You decided it could wait until he got back.

Later that night you got a Skype call from Zayn. You answered and you guys talked for hours. Everything was going fine until he brought getting married in Spain. You could tell something was up because of the smirk on his.

"Your mom told you about that didn't she," you said. "Yeah but I looked up places in Spain and thought that it was really pretty. I actually really like the idea," he said. "Really! Oh my god you're not just saying that because of what I said right," you asked. "I'm dead serious," he said. "So we're getting married in Spain?" "Yep."

Edited: June 13, 2017
(Note from 6/13/17) God I honestly hate how cringeworthy my writing used to be. In the A/N in Liam's I sound like a desperate little prick. Ignore that.

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