Telling the Fans/They Find Out

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Just what Niall wanted least happened. The press found out. So with that happening Niall and you decided to tweet out saying that the rumors were indeed true.

@NiallOfficial: well the rumors are indeed true. Y/N and I are getting married. We were going to tell you in a different way but this will do.

@Y/twitter/N: Niall and I are getting married. I wish you guys would have found out differently...

You and Harry had decided to tell the fans in an interview because that way you didn't have to tweet about it which isn't very sentimental and you didn't get caught by paparazzi which would have led to a pissed off Harry.

"So here with me today is Harry Styles and his girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N!" The interviewer greeted the audience. Harry and you made your way towards the stage and to the chairs they had set out for you.

"So you said you had some special news to tell us? And that is," the interviewer asked. "Well Y/N and I are," Harry said but paused and looked at you. You smiled and nodded. "Getting married," he finished.

The crowd erupted in cheers with some booing but that's normal. After that you just answered a few questions and that was it. It went pretty well.

Louis wanted to do something cute for your announcement for the fans and that's just what he did. He came up with the idea to drop hints all over Twitter to announce it.

@Louis_Tomlinson: @y/twitter/n I can't wait to look at places tomorrow...

@y/twitter/n: @y/twitter/n I know. We also need to choose colors, decorations, our attire... So much!!!

@Louis_Tomlinson: if you haven't figured it out yet, @y/twitter/n are getting married!!!!

For your announcement Liam was going to do a video and put it on Instagram.

"Hey guys so we have to make this quick but I know you guys have been having suspicions about Y/N and I's relationship. Well, we are engaged! We are getting married! So sorry I had to make this short but we love you guys, bye," Liam said into the phone. He didn't want you in it because there has been a lot of hate on you right now and he didn't want you to get any during your wedding planning.

You two didn't tell the fans. You are keeping it a secret until after you get married even if it means you can't wear your engagement ring outside. Zayn really didn't want any hate during this joyous time on him and especially you. You guys do plan on posting a wedding picture to Twitter after it was all over with.

Edited: June 13, 2017

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