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💄joshs pov💄

"Let the girl go...otherwise I'll shoot" I spat as Justin shook his head "no..."he spoke before I grabbed her by her waist and snatched her back before laying her down on the sofa behind me. Chris had a whip in his hand just incase yn ever awoke, so we was fine. "you touch yn again i swear to fucking god ill kill u" Justin spat as i came closer and punched him in the jaw, taking the handcuffs off the floor and putting them on justins wrists and putting them behind his back. " dont you think she has been through enough...You've raped my girl TWICE... ALL I WANT IS TO MAKE HER HAPPY" he added as he got out of my grip but i still put the cuffs on him. "she was happy with my dick in her..." i smirked as justins eyes turned a dark grey "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!" he rose his voice after i left him and sat on a space next to yn's head "because im not the one that stole did...and if i go down...well...lets just say you'll be joining me" i smirked once more as justin looked down in selfpity. "Now...ill be taking this little girl off yah hands so you wont be in prison for the next 10 years...ill make sure she'll scream my name and not yours..." i teased as he tensed.

¬yn pov¬

I woke up slightly as i heard speaking, i felt so sick and dirty i swear its unreal. I didn't move at all so it seemed to them that i was still asleep. "You know this josh...Yn means everything to me...and if u hurt her or rape her its obviously taking an impact on me" justin spoke "And...i frankly dont care...she fulfills my needs whenever i im keeping her. and if she doesn't obey. then clearly the whipping process is needed here." josh snarled as my body shook as the words. "And when this little hoebag you got here wakes up...well lets just say we'll have more fun than the whip...Right infront of you..."  he added in the same snarly voice.  I gulped quietly and  squeezed my eyes closed, but Josh must have seen this action as he smirked and spoke "Oh...Just in time...chris get the box". He touched my side which sent shivers down my spine and  made me sit up and get away from him. "d-dont hurt me...i wanna go home" i stuttered as i moved as far away from him as possible. He grabbed my wrists and fetched some rope in his pocket and tied it around my wrists  and pulled me under him by my legs as i winced, the whip marks stinging like salt in a wound. Chris soon came back with the box of sex toys and winked over at justin. Was justin on their side? Was Chris helping Justin? I don't know... Josh opened the box as i shivered on the spot, He took a long, xtra large vibrator and a small whip which had a metal base and a real leather end on which looks really painful if came contacted to my skin with force.

"You keep focusing on making him watch " josh said to chris and he nodded. I looked over at justin and saw him look away from us "help me justin" i cried as josh made me look to him "he cant save you now" he snarled as i whimpered "now stay quiet like a good little girl...the more u stay quiet...the more u can go home and not get punished" his snarly voice became once more. He pulled my bottoms down with my panties and the vibrator on the highest setting trailed down my stomach then down my thigh. Moments later, it was plunged deep into me. I moaned slightly but they became moans of pain as it widened my area and the vibrates became constant "take it out!!" i screamed and just after that i was whipped 5 times on my clit which made me cry in pain and pleasure. "dont u t-th-ink ive been through enough" i screamed through tears as Josh simply smirked and shook his head before whipping my inner thigh all the way up to my butt and back up to my clit after slipping down my body and stopped when he got to my clit  area. He bit and sucked at my sensitive spot which caused throaty moans to spark. I growled and kicked him away from me before trying to sit up, the vibrator hitting my gspot " d-dont tou...ohfuck..tou-ouch me.." i groaned as i battled my moans, sweat trickled down my face as i tried to get out of the rope. My climax was building up as the vibrator teased my gspot and i couldnt do anything about it, my walls tightened around the metal shaft and caused me to scream as the width of the shaft expanded them back out again. "TAKE-KE IT O-U-OUT!!" I screamed for dear life as i yanked on the rope causing it to frey alittle before it actually snapped. I looked at Josh which was looking back towards me, quite angered,  i threw the rope elsewhere before taking the vibrator out. I squirted heavily as the climax lowered, bits of blood surrounded the shaft and an aching feeling remained in my lower tummy as i let a few more tears fall down my cheeks after putting my bottoms and panties back on. "If u even come near me or justin again. ill fucking kill you" i screamed as Josh came closer and pointed a gun to me. I looked over at Justin seeing that some other dude (paul) held a gun to justins head aswell.

¬chris pov¬ 

I loaded a gun in the back room with 4 bullets... 2 for each of they fully die... "so yn hunny...not acting brave are you now lassy" josh smirked as he loaded it and his finger was against the trigger. "soon you'll be where u hell" he added as yn screamed "HELP!!!!!!!" but it did no good as josh grabbed her and pulled her back towards him, still pointing the loaded gun to her head.  The other did the same as their backs faced infront of me. I loaded the gun and aimed it as Josh's head and pulled the trigger. Yn was let go as josh fell to the floor and i aimed the gun at Paul. I shot him in the leg and another one in his spine as Justin was let out of his grip. I smiled just knowing i saved his girl from anymore danger. Yn ran over to justin and sobbed in his shoulder as she hugged him for dear life. "come on you too..better get u out of here..." i smiled as they nodded. 




bitch they're finally dead.

good. XD

I love you beliebers.

i love youuu readers

i love you

Leah Xoxox


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