He Surprises You at College

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“Where are you, love?” He’d ask, trying to hide the impish ring in his voice.

 “Where do you think I am?” You’d respond quietly with flat sarcasm, tired of studying. “In the library. Like I have been for the past week.”

His chipper tone wouldn’t be as welcome as usual, your mind fuzzy from hours of reading and your body ready to crash and sleep for three months straight.

“Are you feeling alright?” He’d ask, knowing your annoyance.

“Fine, Haz. Just tired.” You’d reply with a shrug, your cellphone feeling hot against your cheek. “I should probably go, though. I’m about done for the night and need to get back to my dorm before I fall asleep and never wake up.”  

“You have some time off?”

“Not really, but I don’t have class tomorrow so I thought I’d make it a self-proclaimed holiday.”

“No homework then?” He’d ask, a chuckle still in his voice.

“No homework.”

“Then you might have time for this?”

“For what?” You’d question, trying not to seem impatient.

“This..” He’d trail off suddenly, causing your brows to furrow in confusion.

“Haz, what in the world are you talking abo—” You’d start, but your words word turn into a scream as you’d glance to the tapping of fingers on your shoulder. “HARRY!”

His huge hand would cup your mouth as his eyebrows would shoot up, face surprised and excited by your response. “We’re in a library. Keep it down!” He’d coarsely whisper in his usual Harry way, playful and mischievous and dreadfully sassy.

Your muffled squeals would continue as you’d grab onto his arms and stomp your feet up and down, his hand firmly in place over your mouth as he’d try to stifle his own chuckles.

“Calm down!” He’d whisper again, obviously just as excited to see you and laughter all the way up to his eyes.

“Harry!” You’d exclaim again when his hand finally lowered, your voice quieter this time and body smashing into his. Your arms would cinch around his neck as tightly as you could manage, his deep chuckles making you squeal all over again. His arms would mimic yours and gently wrap around you, his face tucking into your neck with a laugh and his clumsy fingers pressing into your sides with the beginnings of a tickle.

And just like that the stress of school wouldn’t seem quite so bad. Really, nothing would seem quite so bad as long as Harry was around to cuddle you up in his arms and keep you laughing and remind you that the world would keep on spinning regardless of whether or not you got an A on that paper. For some reason everything would just seem more in focus when he was around, like you’d have a better understanding of what was essential and what was healthy and what wasn’t worth your worry. Because, yeah, school is important and doing well is admirable, but it’s not the end-all-be-all. And perhaps without even meaning to he’d remind you of what was most important in life—love and time well spent and people—and, well.. that’d just make all the other stuff seem a lot easier to deal with.

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