Chapter 8

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The Bleeding Heart


Chapter 8

"Should we snoop around?" Arden whispered hurriedly as they entered the palace doors. They were, surprisingly, let in without that much of a fuss. The guards were muttering amongst themselves but otherwise, it seemed that they were allowed to go in the grand stronghold of Aria's rulers.

"No snooping," Keith answered. "They've already seen us, know how many we are. We couldn't snoop even if we wanted to."

"Besides, it'll cause more suspicion," Elysia forged a smile on her face.

As they all stepped down from their horses, their weapons were taken from them and they surrendered them without protest. This was protocol, after all. Their horses were led to what Elysia presumed to be the stables.

The three knights of Orion shared a look as they strode behind their prince, entering the castle proper. It was just like the castle in Orion, truth be told. A dozen marble pillars on each of both sides, tiled, polished floors with a red carpet in the middle leading to the four thrones which were settled upon a podium. Intricate designs that showcased the kingdom's culture and its own unique architecture filled the walls. The blue banners with the crest of the kingdom in the middle hung from the ceiling.

Elysia looked around, observing every little detail her mind could process, her eyes settling on the knights stationed on each wing before landing her sight on the royals themselves - Edric, King of Aria and Eric, Crown Prince of Aria. Elysia furrowed her eyebrows. There should be another one - Princess Athena. But the princess of Aria was nowhere to be seen.

She could sense the nervousness her own prince was radiating - it was quite obvious and she could only pray that it would not deter him from his goal.

"Y-your H-Highnesses," William said in a loud, clear voice, albeit stuttered a few letters.

King Edric's face was emotionless but the growing smirk on Prince Eric's face was noticeable. His sandy blond hair and pale blue eyes were pure contrasts to his father's dark locks and bright green eyes and for a moment, Elysia mused at how Prince Eric Fauste of Aria looked like Prince William Cornwall of Orion. They had the same features - blond hair and blue eyes.

King Edric grew a smirk on his face but it was apparent that he was in misery. His eyes were blank, like deep pools of unending darkness. He had been known to have a burning fire in his eyes but now it's gone and for a while, Elysia felt sorry for the widower. "Well, the Prince of Orion came to see me. I'm flattered."


Well, damn it.

As knights, the three of them couldn't say anything. Goddamned the hierarchy.

"I don't think that the great prince travelled a great distance on a horse for two days just to see you, Father," Prince Edric said with an accusing glare. "I think it has to do something with the knights who we held captive."

"Should I save you the trouble of initiating this conversation?" King Eric arched an eyebrow, challenging the Orion prince. "Since it is the hostages that you came for, right?"

"Y-yes," William said. "But that's not all."


"Your Highness," William said with a more confident voice. "We know that you are accusing us of the death of the late Queen Rosaria and we offer our deepest and sincerest condolences for her untimely departure but we, in no way had a hand in her death."

"No hand?" King Edric muttered.

"We - I, I admit that my words to you now are of no adherence but I hope that you'd believe me," William pleaded. "I assure you that the royal family of Orion had no intention nor did the act of killing your wife."

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