Just Your Classic Ch. 25

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Authoress Notes: Hello Cubs! This would've have been out a bit sooner but I was watching a new Olan Rogers video! I love how he tell a story it's so funny that and he has great calves ;33

Chapter Song: Start A Fire by Ryan Star



A week had passed since we found out about Toby and when I would see him in the halls he would turn around and walk away. I had told Sam about it and he said it was better that way. I shrugged it off, I was just happy the joke was over. I got no more texts or calls, and no one stared at me, well except some girls who thought I was a slut.

Molly was back at the school also but she was grounded so she couldn't hang out. But that really didn't her stop her. And right now it was a Friday night and I was at home watching a movie by myself.

It probably wasn't a good idea to watch a scary movie by myself but there wasn't anything to watch. I was watching Nightmare On Elm Street, the original. I clutched my stuff animal and stared at the TV. This was actually kind of scary to watch and bloody.

After the movie I stayed up watching Rise of the Guardian. I had to watch a happy movie after a scary movie. It was the only logical thing for any normal person to do that was by themselves.

I looked at the clock and it was getting late. I shuffled to my room and got ready for bed. I laid down listening to my music and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up by a noise in my kitchen. My horror movie memories decided to come back at this moment. I shuffled to my door and locked it. I went back to my bed and grabbed my phone. I called Sam and he picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hey," he sounded like he was starting to fall asleep.

"Hey, uhh this might not be anything but I heard a noise in my kitchen." I whispered.

"It's probably nothing."

"How can you be for sure? It would be a killer."

"Mia really? It's 2 in the morning what do you want me to do, come out there and check it out?"

"Could you? ...Oh god I heard something creak. I'm scared!"

"Alright I'm on my way."

"There is a spare on op of the door frame."

I said bye and we hung up. I sat on my bed with a hard cover book ready to throw. I heard the front door opening and it must have been Sam. I waited to hear something but all I heard was a knock and it made me jump.

"Mia it's me Sam, there is nothing out here." Sam said through the door.

I got up and unlocked and opened my door, "There was nothing?" I ask.

"Yep nothing," Sam was in a pair of pants and an old tee-shirt.

"T-thanks for coming," I look down.

"Hmm, well I'm going to head back if you don't need anything else." Sam turned to leave.

I reached my hand out to stop him from leaving. I didn't know what I was doing but I didn't want to be alone tonight. I'm a bit tired of waking up to an apartment alone.

"What is it?" I hear Sam ask.

I look up, "Please stay tonight."

Sam's emerald eyes soften, "Okay."

He took my hand and shut my door. He lead me to my bed and we got in. He slept on the outside and held me. I breathed in his scent, he smelled really good. My heart was beating fast, this was the first time I slept in the same bed with a guy. I knew we were just sleeping but it made me nervous.

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