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Calvin's POV

'I felt like shit....I really felt like pure shit... Why the fuck did I do that. Got Damn...' I thought to myself. As I walked out of the bathroom I thought about what I did. I don't know why I did this. How stupid of me.... Latterious stopped me as I walked down the hallway.

"Dude I hope you didn't break up with him for real ..." Latterious said.

"What you mean ????" I asked confused.

"I was just playing with all that stuff I said..." he said.

Rage began to flow through my veins. How the fuck do you play with peoples feelings like that. I became so angry that I punched him in the mouth. He put his hand over his mouth to cover the blood.

"Why the fuck would you play with my feelings like that nigga. " I screamed as I pushed him on the wall.

He didn't respond. Instead he punched me back and I lost it....I blacked out....

Erick's POV

As I continued to cry I heard people cheering on a fight. I got up. Dried my face and went to see what was going on. I walked out the restroom and saw a huge crowd standing in a circle. I went over to see who was fighting and I was shocked. It was Latterious and Calvin. I jumped in between the two and screamed at the top of my lungs


Everyone paused. Right when everyone paused. The crowd scattered in different directions. Our principle Mr. Carter walked up. He looked furious. He really hates fights at his school. He even has a no nonsense policy against fights at this school. So Calvin and Latterious were probably about to get expelled.

"You too come to my office now !" he demanded.

They both followed him to the office.

Calvin's POV

"Please take a seat you too " Mr Carter (Football Coach/ Principal) demanded. We did as we were told. He called in the school nurse.

"Could you please get this boy some Ice" he said.

"Yes sir." she said. Seconds later she came back with a bag of ice and gave it to Latterious.

He then locked the door and stood up from his desk.

"Why the fuck was my two best football players fighting today...someone please tell me!" he screamed.

We both sat silent.

"If I don't get a answer in the next few seconds I'm Gon expel Y'all both from this school and have Y'all kicked off the football team." he threatened us.

I cleared my throat. "Because....We had a disagreement about something." I said.

"Yea..." Latterious agreed.

He sat at his computer and looked up our school records.

"Well...Ya'll got clean records...But if this happens again Y'all being expelled..Understood ?" he asked.

"Yes sir." we said.

"Y'all not Gon get out of this just yet...Just wait until practice...now get Y'all ass outta my office." he demanded.

I left the office and went in search of Erick. I went to his last period class which was World History.

"Why Hello Mr. Johnson." Mrs. Raymond (his history teacher) said to me.

"Hey Mrs Raymond...Coach Carter would like to see Erick Perry for a second. " I lied.

He got up and walked past me like I wasn't there. I walked out behind him.

"What do you want...are you here to Cause me more pain?" Erick said.

"No...Frankly I just wanna tell you that I'm sorry for what I did today and I was wondering if we could start over because Latterious played a joke on me...He really wasn't gonna expose us..." I said.

"That dirty son of a bitch..." he said.

"I know right..But bae can you please forgive me." I said as I backed him up onto a locker.

"Get your hands off of me." he growled at me.

"Ohhhh looks like you getting a lil feisty" I said playfully.

He began to walk to away."Baby please." I said as I got on my knees and begged him. He laughed.

"Are you this Desperate Calvin ?" he asked.

"Whoa wait a minute!!!" I said getting up from the ground.

"I may be a lot of things but I Damn Sure ain't desperate." I continued to say.

"Yea...Well it seems like you've hit a new low without me..." he said.

"OK look. Can I get a second chance please Erick. I promise I won't put anything before you. " I asked.

"I'll think about it. " he said as he walked back into the classroom.

Erick's POV

I laughed to myself. The way Calvin got on his knees it amused me. But...I would go back to Calvin...I would do anything for Calvin. I couldn't let him know that because I planned on making him work really hard for him to convince me to go back to him. Because what he did to me was wrong. He really hurt me badly. He shattered my heart into tiny pieces.

Calvin's POV

All day today, even at practice. Erick was on my mind. It haunted me all through out the day and well into the night. I fumbled his heart. He trusted me with his heart and I let him down. I remember seeing his facial expression. That Image was stuck in my mind.

"Nigga what's wrong with you." Kevin, one of my team mates said.

"Nun man." I said putting down a 300 weight.

"Man you usually be on top of yo game in practice, you not today...sum up " Kevin said.

"Man it ain't nun." I said beginning to sound iriated.

"Alright bruh." Kevin replied.

I went into the locker room and showered. I stood and let the water run over me , wishing Erick was there with me. I wish I could feel his body against mines. But that would probably never happen, because of my stupid ass decisions. I turned the shower off, dried off, put my clothes back on, and left. I went straight home. My parents were actually home for once. My mom cooked my favorite food, Fried Chicken. Which really didn't excite me tonight. I sat and ate at the dinner table quietly.

"How was your day honey. " my mom asked.

"It was OK..." I lied.

"Oh OK." my mom said.

I could tell she knew something was up. When I was done with my dinner I went upstairs to my room and quietly watched TV. After 30 minutes of that I studied until I fell asleep.....

Tune in next time to see if Calvin will stay true to his word.... SPOILER ALERT: They not getting back together....Or are they???? Hope Y'all enjoyed it. :D

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