▶ Chapter #27: Stockholm Syndrome.

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Chapter #27: Stockholm Syndrome.

I once kneel in shaking thrill I chase the memory of it still, of every chill chided by that silence of a hushed sublime blinded to the purpose of the brute divine but you were mine. To the wild and to the both of us i confessed the longing I was dreaming of. --Hozier.


1 year. 3 Month's. 5 Day's.

That's precisely how long, literally, since I've seen or been in the presence of either one of the Blumenthal brothers or heard from them in general.

The unforgettable memory of that day steady lurks in the back unsealed confines of my mind, plaguing my reality as my stubborn subconscious sees fit. Shit. I'd actually consider myself lucky if amnesia would grace me with it's presence.

After all, it would be a heck of a lot better than reminiscing over someone who wants nothing to do with you, no matter your desired feelings. Hell, i even thought Mrs. Blu might've come looking for me overtime, but i guess i overestimated her want for me to be apart of their family. In short i was wrong.

Shaking my head as if physical denial would make it all better i shuffle my bag off onto the floor of the studio-apartment with mild difficulty due to exhaustion an store bought dinners. But it's better than nothing. Tensely i allow stiff shoulder's to lazily sagg just for a moment. I should eat soon or i'll faint again.

Loud knocks nearly made rusted hinges rattle off it's wooden panel. "One second please." I hollered, he really will break it one day, his idiotic banging was beginning to become a regular occurrence --although I'm sure he only does it because he's lost his mind.

"You are late on rent this month as well, Sethyna." Said Richard, my landlord's son whom constantly seemed obsessed with notifying me on thing's he knows I'm completely aware of, just so he can get off on it. The pervert. Loosely my chestnut brown hair with blond highlights fall into my eye's shaping my feminine features even more, unfortunately Richard notices.

"Sorry, i'll get it right now." jogging to my bag, trying not to shiver from his scrutiny along the way --and pulling out the worn-out wallet i scrapped up change for month's ago, removing the exact amount for my water bill. I'd paid the rent last week, now i have to worry about the lights. Though i have candles that Franklin gave me a few month's back as a gift, so i can survive if i find a way to eat meals at least. Handing Richard the money in hoping my voice doesn't crack, but I've never been born with much luck. "H-here you go."

Richard ignores my reaction of discomfort to his bold assaulting stare, especially to my now noticeably exposed pale collarbone. "Right....have a good day, twinkie." said the asswhipe as he slowly backs away from me with a knowing gaze i couldn't place. Feels like someone was pooring ice-water down my back, alerting me to stay faraway from him as possible. He gives me the heebie-jeebies. With the worn work bag strap secure as can be around my shoulder, i head out not bothering to lock my door my because all you'd have to do is kick it in once and you're inside. Making way for my night shift job down the street and around the block from home.

Dinging had the other four employees turning their heads to me with cautious expressions as the door closed behind me. I inhale bacon, eggs and waffles deeply. The familiar smell of Franklin's breakfast diner; Frank's. How heavenly the food made my stomach growl in protest. I've been eating less apparently without noticing until I'm basically starved out.

My depression and anxiety must be really taking it's toll on me. I stroll to the back in wonder about their gazes, putting the worthless bag into the locker, after the strap just popped. Fuck me.

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