▶ Chapter #26: Resolve.

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Chapter #26: Resolve.

A/N: A week after being on the yatch. BEFORE YOU READ JUST KNOW THAT; Don't cry yall, m'kay? Just calmly rea- *Ignores A/N an read without caution* I warned you. OH! The chapter b4 wasn't ment to actually be sexual but you see i wrote that when i was half asleep ending in me forgetting to reread an edit as much as possible. Anyway enjoy.

I've been upside down, i don't wanna be the right way now; Can't find paradise on the ground. --Oh wonder.

Klause beckons a random maid to his side with her carrying his morning coffee although he wouldn't turn down the offer of alcohol; it was his preferred beverage which would help settle the mood on a day like this. But not if Jackov had anything to say in the matter, which of course jackov most certainly did.

Alas avoiding Jackov's prominent stare of confushion about the intense topic they're discussing. "Kascha, are you sure?"

Adding cream and sugar before retreating, she nodded politely with a swift of course sir, knowing the topic was meant for their understanding only.

Once gone klause sipped his coffee, prolonging his answer more than necessary. "Yes bruder. I've made up my mind." His jaw tightened. Fingers wrapped around the hot mug but klause ignores it's scorching heat in order to finish speaking to his brother before Jackov tried to convince him to rethink otherwise. "It's for the best, Jackov. With the Italian cartel wanting my head and all. Because of Antoinetta's hatred for me now. And Sethyna's mouth."

Jackov leans back in his chair, intertwining his finger's as the thumb's tap against his light stubble and his mind reeling with annoyance towards the woman, completely ignoring how Sethyna was involved. "I cannot believe she would go that far. It shouldn't be much of a surprise...but still." He gnashed his teeth in controlled rage, the woman was bad news for their business anyway but now she proved to be a trader in need of being put to silence.

"How will you go about this kascha? You know her father is a unforgiving stubborn man." The last sentence was stated, for Antoinetta's father, Antonio was a heartless bastard with rude tendencies. Said man that Klause were speaking to a few day's prior and now, just to be said is in a foul mood at his ex-son-in-laws decision to call of Klause and Antoinetta's wedding, only two weeks in advance.

The late notice was already ticking the man but the fact that their businesses wouldn't be united. Meaning none of klause elite buyers partnered with the old man's own, or any other goods along the way. Now that Klause called off the wedding that took a great deal to pull off might he add, even on Gregor's behalf.

But now, he has to deal with the short fused man who will undoubtedly go Ludacris about the action even though the marriage was a prop for them both as another source of income alongside information.

"I've already settled it. Though, Antonio will be preparing to target me or my contraband." Klause sat his mug down with ease before he rubbed his forehead tenderly.

He awoke this morning feeling refreshed with news that calmed him about the last shipment of product that was being looked into by supposedly rookie cops but they were taking care of, minus one who managed to be unknown and unseen. Basically leaving X and Volney to follow the cold trail. Although x was happy to be put back into the real ation.

Klause wandered for a moment though. Could Antonio go against his own code of ethics just out of spite with klause as to hire a couple of crooked cops to do his biding? The man was slimy enough and had a short fuse. Like father like daughter.

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