Chapter 26

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"She thought that love was gonna fight. She thought that love was gonna take her home. She thought that love was gonna save her. But love just never showed. She thought that love was always watching. Oh we learned that love that was supposed to win. But sometimes its the demons that are standing in the end." - Philadelphia by Parachute

Chapter 26

Christy's POV

My chest actually hurt, like someone's fist was squeezing it between their fingers. The pain was unbearable. I felt like I was going to vomit. Where was I even going? I was shivering so much I thought my limbs might fall off. It was freezing and I was stupid enough to think that I could survive out here without money or warm clothes.

The wet concrete of the parking lot shined blue as the VACANCY sign flashed. I'm guessing it was sometime in the middle of night. It was quiet and the only sign of activity was the dim light leaking out of the window of the check in desk. A middle aged woman sat at the desk. She looked short. Her shoulders barely visible over the counter. She held a fashion magazine in her hands, flipping through the pages with boredom. What a terrible job...

I looked around the parking lot. No one else was in sight. A few cars were parked at the edge of the hotel building.


I turned around to see Mikey walking towards me. He smiled at me but it quickly fell as he looked at my upset looking face. He came closer, stopping right in front of me. He glanced down at my arms, spotting the goose bumps scattered along my skin.

"You're freezing." He said, slipping his jacket off and draping it over my shoulders. I couldn't help but wrap it tighter around my body. "Why are you out here? Where's Harry?"

I looked down at my feet in shame then I took a deep breath, letting the white puffs float out in front of my lips. "He's in the motel room."

"So..." He hesitated. "Why are you out here?"

Because I can't keep putting him in danger." My voice cracked. "When I'm with him, it's just putting a giant bullseye on the back of his head for a bullet to hit."

"So you're just gone leave? Let Andrew find you?" He said. His voice sounded panicked and frantic.

"I'm sorry, Mikey. Just take care of him." I began to walk around him towards the main road that passes by the motel. His hand suddenly wrapped around my wrist, gripping it tightly so I couldn't wiggle out of it.

"You can't." He said. "If you leave, Harry will get himself killed. Don't do this to him. I've never seen him feel or look at someone the way he looks at you. Harry has never opened himself up to anyone. He needs you more than anything and I know that you need him too." His eyes were pleading, begging for me to stay.

"But I can't be the reason he dies." I whispered, choking on the lump swelling in my throat.

"If you leave, you will be cause he won't stop." His words stung, made my hands feel clammy, and made my heart clench and speed up. I let the words sink and I realized, he was right. I can't just leave Harry.

"Christy!!!" His angelic voice shouted through the parking lot. Tears stained his cheeks and his disheveled curly hair bounce as he jogged towards Mikey and I. Mikey let go of my wrist, freeing me from his restraint, and I couldn't help but let my feet carry me; let them run forward, slapping against the pavement. I let my body fly into his arms, securing me tightly to his body. I buried my face in his neck as he lifted me off the ground, letting my feet dangle.

"I'm sorry." I whispered into the skin of his neck. "I love you so much."

"Promise me we'll never leave each other again. It's us... forever." He mumbled.


Suddenly, the sound of police sirens echoed loudly nearby, causing Harry to place me back on my feet and scan our surroundings. The sirens got louder and closer. Then police cars frantically pulled into the parking lot, surrounding the three of us.

Men jumped out of all the cars, holding guns up and pointing them straight at us. Harry pushed me behind him as the men stepped closer, armed. Mikey looked around frantically, stepping closer to me.

"Harry Styles..." A man in uniform spoke. "You're under arrest for the murder of Alec Simmons and the kidnapping of Christina Holland."

"What?!" I screamed. Harry didn't fight back. He let the man wrap his arms around his back and place handcuffs around his wrists.

"No! Harry!" I yelled as he was taken to one of the cars. "He's innocent! He didn't do anything!" I stepped forward. They couldn't just take him.

"Mikey keep her back." Harry said as he ducked into the backseat. Mikey's arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me backwards. All the cops stared at us with caution as I flailed in his arms screaming my head off like a banshee.

"Harry!" I cried, tears falling freely from my eyes. "We promised we would never leave each other! Please!" The door closed, muffling my screams from Harry. Harry stared at me with sad eyes then he mouthed be safe then the police car drove away with my Harry in the backseat.

I let my body go limp then I slid through Mikey's arms, falling to my knees as I cried. "We promised." I whispered. Mikey picked me up to my feet, letting all my body weight lean into him in defeat. He grabbed my face between his hands, making me focus on him. His tall body bent down slightly so our faces were at the same level.

"Hey, Christy." He said, firmly, getting my attention. "We'll fix this, okay? This isn't over. He's going to be okay." He wrapped his arms around me, letting me sob into his tshirt.

"It'll all be okay." He whispered, reassuringly, as we stood in the parking lot, alone.

Wow they can't seem to get a break! Harry's been arrested! AHHHH! What's gonna happen?

And btw there is nothing going on or developing between Mikey and Christy. He's more of a big brother or best friend to her.

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