Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Third Person POV

Christy stood in the middle of the alley as she watched Harry disappear in the distance. Shivers ran up and down her bare arms. She could feel her throat tightening with every breath as she thought about not seeing Harry. In the back of her mind, she thought that maybe, just maybe, Harry would see her again and change his mind. He would come back to her and they could hide or run from Andrew together. But instead, he was so caught up on keeping her safe; he wasn't even thinking about himself. His protection. If Andrew found out Harry's connection with her, he would be dead in a heartbeat. The thought of loosing Harry made Christy's heart rate speed up. 

Christy didn't understand what she was feeling. She had met Harry only week ago and, yet, she cared so much for him. Her first impression was totally opposite to what she felt now. At first, he wasn't anything that appealed to her, but now, now he was caring. He did everything he could to try and protect her and that was something Harry never let show on his outer skin. The cold made Christy's knees ache and she couldn't stand any longer. She fell down to her knees, clutching her chest as she searched for air. Tears poured out her eyes as realization hit her. 

She told herself she would never love another man again, but here she was falling for Harry. 


Harry stood in front of the bay window of the room Andrew was letting him stay in. Andrew always wanted his gang members close to him so no funny business would occur. The room was dark, as he didn't care to turn on any lights. It had begun to rain; fat rain drops pattered against the window in a rhythmic beat. Harry's mind began to wander. The tears that slid down Christy's cheeks as he said his goodbye pained him. He hated the fact that he was hurting her but in the end, he knew he was doing it all for her own good. 

A light knock sounded from the doorway. "Come in." Harry said, not taking his eyes off the rain outside. The bedroom door squeaked as the visitor entered the room. 

"Well, I'll be damned. If it isn't Harry Styles." A familiar voice sounded from behind Harry, causing him to whip his body around. 

"Mikey?" Harry breathed out, taking a step forward. The familiar boy in front him hadn't changed. He had the same light brown hair that stood with the help of some hair gel. Harry couldn't help himself as he engulfed Mikey into a tight hug. 

Extending him at arms length, Harry studied Mikey's face. "What the hell are you doing here?" 

"I heard the curly haired freak was back." Mikey said, ruffling Harry's hair with his large hand. Harry laughed. It was good to have someone he could trust. "Now, my question is, why the hell are you back?" Mikey said, any sign joking leaving his face. 

Harry let out a long sigh, dreading on how he was going to answer this question. Could he trust Mikey? He used to be the only one Harry could ever trust, now, Harry wasn't so sure, afraid of Andrew corrupting Mikey's mind like he did to everyone else. Harry couldn't help his mind wander to the many years ago when his inner monster first surfaced. 

"For some reason, every dumbass I've sent to do this job has screwed it up. You know what he owes me. Just get the job done." Andrew said through gritted teeth. Shadows casted over his tanned face, making him look more and more intimidating. His hair stuck to the back of his neck from the light drizzle coming down. His harsh eyes stared at the two boys in front him. Harry and Mikey nodded their heads. 

"Don't worry, boss. You'll get what you need." Mikey said, reassuring Andrew. 

"Good." Andrew's mouth grew into a devilish smile, sending chills up and down Harry's skin, but he didn't let his fear show. Andrew turned his body and began to walk towards his expensive looking SUV. 

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