Chapter 17

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There's kind of a lot of jumping around in POVs in this chapter, so pay close attention. (:

"Take me to the place I know. Anywhere that feels like home. Somewhere that if I let go, someone's gonna catch my soul." - Magnetic by Jessie J

Chapter 17

Harry's POV

"Harry, you need to calm down." Mikey said from his spot on the bed as I paced back and forth, chewing on the skin around my thumb. "This isn't going to help you find her."

"Then what do I do?!" I yelled back at him. "Andrew could of taken her anywhere. She could be dead by now." I whispered, the thought registered in my mind and I could feel the anger and tension forming in my body. Before I could stop myself, my trembling arm swept across the dresser, sending the TV sitting on top into the wall. Glass showered the carpet in small pieces.

My chest felt tight, making it harder to breathe. My fists clenched together at my sides as I stared at the broken piece of technology. Mikey put his hand on my shoulder, gently and slowly. Something he always did to make me calm down when my tempered mood swings acted up, but this time it didn't seem to work. I tightly shut my eyes, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. Crying over her wasn't going to help save her.

"I promised I would protect her, Mikey. I can't let anything happen to her." My voice, soft and laced with pain, cracked as the words left my lips.

"Then we'll do everything we can to find her." I turned to look at his face.

"Why? She has nothing to do with you. It's just putting you in more danger. This is my problem, not yours."

A faint smile formed on his face. "Ever since you met her, I've never seen you happier. It's all I've wanted for you ever since we were younger. You're like my brother and I'm going to help you as much as I can."


Christy's POV

The faint smell of rotten eggs and mildew seeped into my nostrils, turning my stomach into knots. My head pounded; goosebumps running along my bare legs. I opened my heavy eyelids and the room in front of me caused me to back up into the wet wall behind me.

The room was dark and made of metal, similar to the room Harry and I were kept in earlier. Water dripped down every inch of every wall, smelling of wet dog. I plugged my nose, feeling the bile rise in my throat with every breath in.

This time, I wasn't in a chair. I sat on the cold ground. Who knew how many maggots and bugs crawled around me. I shivered thinking about it. My wrists, bound, were chained to the wall, as well as my ankles, only giving me a couple feet of free movement.

Scanning my eyes along my body, I realized the blanket was no longer wrapped around my body. Replaced with it was a yellow button down shirt. The bottom of it reached to above my knees, drowning my petite body in fabric. I was happy that he was decent enough to change me.

My eyes widened... Change me. I cringed at the thought of Andrew pleasurably taking the blanket from around my body, replacing with his own shirt. The shirt smelled of too much cologne; the same cologne I bought him every year for Christmas. The smell was all too familiar to me, bringing back unwanted memories.

I looked down at my beat up hands, once neat and manicured, now cut up and covered in dirt. I picked at the loose skin around my cuticles. I sure as hell wasn't strong enough or smart enough to escape here on my own. I would only be getting myself killed. Like I witnessed earlier, death wasn't an option. It couldn't be. There was nothing I could do except wait, praying that Harry was close to finding me.


Harry's POV

"Where could he have taken her?" I asked, mostly to myself. Mikey squatted in the corner, continuing to clean up the broken TV. Mikey, being older and wiser, drew up a layout of Andrew's house. Every secret doorway or "unknown" hallway was on the piece of paper.

"What if he didn't take her to his house? I mean, isn't that kind of obvious." Mikey questioned, standing to his feet and emptying the broken glass, gently cupped in his hands, into the trash bin.

"What is the one reason Andrew sends people to do his job instead of doing it himself?" I asked.

"Cause he likes to keep his hands clean as much as he can." Mikey stated, giving the obvious answer.

"Then why try to kill me, you, and Christy on his own, without anyone
helping?" I said, running my hands over the crinkles in the paper, smoothing them out.

"Well, he had all of us looking for Christy at first." Mikey said, confused at where I was going with this.

"But that was before he realized how much of a bigger situation this was than his girlfriend running away from home." I cringed at the sound of me calling Christy his girlfriend, but they were together at one point and it was something I was gonna have to get used to. There was no way Andrew was going to forget about it. "The people that are involved in it now, like Joseph, were dragged into it and Andrew couldn't do anything about it so he used them to help him. Andrew is doing it all on his own because this isn't a job. This has nothing to with his precious gang. It's his mistake and its personal so he wants to make sure the job gets done."

"Sooo... How does this help us find her?" Mikey said.

"If Andrew is going to do this on his own, then he wants a place where he's comfortable. Where he knows every nook and cranny. Where he has back up, if needed. And what better place than his house?"

Mikey's eyes widened as if a lightbulb lit up. "You know way too much about Andrew."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed. It wasn't something I was proud of, but it was going to help find Christy. "Let's just hope he realizes, he's messed with the wrong guy."


Christy's POV

The large door in front of me clicked, sending nerves erupting in my stomach. Chills danced up and down my spine. I held my breath as the door slid open, revealing the last person I wanted to see.

"Oh good, you're awake. Now the fun can start." He scanned his eyes up and down my body, making me feel really insecure and paranoid. I was unable to cover my body with my bounded hands.

"Why are you doing this?" I whimpered. The sight of vulnerable me have him pleasure and I knew it. The passion in his eyes at the the sight of me made me cringe.

"Do what, babe?" Andrew asked, mockingly.

"Keep me here. Why couldn't you of just forgotten about me? Let me go!" I screamed, thrashing forward, hoping to break the chains.

"What's the fun in that?" He asked, stepping forward so he was right in front of me, towering above me.

I shrank back, pressing my shoulder blades harder into the wall. He crouched down, his face level with mine.

"Don't you realize this is so much bigger than a relationship ending? Than us?" He said, reaching up and brushing his hand across my jawline. I pressed myself further into the wall, clenching my eyes shut as I turned my head away from him. His touch sent burning pin pricks through my skin, not in a good way.

"There was never an us. You're a monster and I was your personal chef and punching bag." I seethed, spitting straight into his face. The green of his eyes turned dark as he stood to his feet, nostrils flaring.

Suddenly, the back of his hand smacked against my face, bringing tears to my eyes. My face burned as tears escaped, streaming down my cheeks.

"You better watch what you say." He said through clenched teeth. "Your life is in my hands."

His large hands took fistfuls of my hair, causing me to whimper in pain. He brought my head towards him, pressing his mouth to my ear.

"Say goodnight, baby." He said as he slammed my head into the concrete wall behind me.

Then I blacked out.


Andrew's POV

I watched as her body fell to the ground, her blonde hair falling through my fingers. I ran my hands up and down her bare legs; her soft skin glided across my rough hands. Her eyelids slightly fluttered as I stared at her peaceful face. Her wet eyelashes left small black lines under eyes from her mascara.

"Joseph!" I yelled, calling for the boy standing outside the door. Within a second, the door slid open, Joseph appearing behind me.

"Yeah, boss?" He said, avoiding eye contact with Christy's limp body.

"The plan is set. Tell everyone to hold their fire if they see that curly haired bastard. I want him to think he has a chance of saving her." I said, brushing away the loose hair in Christy's face. Joseph nodded, then turned on his heel, leaving me and Christy alone, for the first time in a long time.

"You never should of run. This all could of been avoided. Now you're going to watch your precious Harry die."


This is kind of short but I wanted to give you something.

Thank you for reading. And thank you for all the wonderful feedback.

Please keep commenting and voting. I love it so much!!!

I love you all!

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