Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

Christy's POV

You know that feeling you get when you move too quickly? When the room starts spinning and you can feel your brain actually throbbing and the pain makes your eyes hurt? That's what it felt like as I regained consciousness. No matter how tight I shut my eyes, the pain still remained. I felt like the only thing to help me was if I downed a whole bottle of Advil or Tylenol and I don't think that would be as beneficial as I would hope.

It wasn't just my head that throbbed. The whole left side of my body ached from when I was thrown across the counter. I could feel a huge gash on my stomach from the glass that showered around me on floor. Every time I moved, my stomach hurt, like I had just done two thousand sit up, from being kicked. My wrists burned and then I suddenly realized, I couldn't move them. Or my ankles. 

My eyes snapped open as the seriousness of it all hit me. A man had come into my apartment and beaten me. The look of the man's eyes flashed in my mind, sending chilld up and down my spine. I looked around at my surroundings. I was no longer in my apartment. I actually had no idea where I was and it made my stomach drop. I was going to die. 

The room was dark; the walls made up some strong looking metal. It looked like a dungeon. Or somewhere you would torture someone. My body sat in an uncomfortable, rusty chair. My ankles and wrists were tied to the arms and legs of the chair with a thick, scratchy rope. I could see irritated, raw skin peeking out from underneath the ropes. It was exactly like the dream I had had, except this time I don't think Harry was coming to save me. The sound of dripping water sounded from one of the dark corners, and I swear, I could hear mice running around my feet. My body shivered as I thought about them crawling on my legs. 

The metal door in front of me suddenly squeaked open, letting some light leak into the gloomy room. I guess, I had hoped that I would see a mop of curls peek in and get me out of here and everything would be fine, but instead I was met with slicked back blonde hair, making my heart sink. The shadows hit the man's face just right, but I could tell he was the guy who attacked me in my apartment. I could feel goosebumps immediately rise on my skin at the sight of his devilish grin. He was the reason I felt like I had been hit by a bus. He was the reason I was here, but why? He put his  hands on my arms, leaning all his weight on his arms, making me whimper in pain. A single tear slowly ran down my cheek as I tried my best to lean away from him. 

"What do you want?" I screamed through my tears. He didn't say anything. He just stared at me and laughed. 

"I think you know what you did, Christy." He said as he slammed his foot into my shin. I cried out as the bone stung with pain. I could feel myself becoming dizzy. I was dehydrated and the pain was making me sick to my stomach, literally. I clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the stinging to stop. 

I opened my eyes as I felt cold metal touch my exposed neck. The man held a silver pocket knife in his hand and he was pressing it to my goosebump skin. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I cried, completely oblivious. 

"Don't lie." He seethed, pressing the knife harder and dragging it across my skin, leaving a huge gash down to my chest. I bit down on my tongue, attempting to subside the pain. 

"I don't know!" I yelled. "I don't know..." I repeated, this time a whisper. He opened his mouth but was interrupted. 

"That's enough, Joseph." A familiar voice sounded from the doorway. My head snapped towards the man standing in the door frame. I knew that body frame, that voice, those muscles. 


My heart began to beat fast as he stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. The man, Joseph, stepped back, letting Andrew have plenty of room to come near me. A lump slowly rose in my throat. All the terrible memories suddenly flashed through my mind as his face bent down to mine. His mouth hovered over my ear. 

"Hello, Christy." He whispered into my ear, making me cringe away. 

"Please, don't, d-don't hurt me." I sobbed. He stood up straight and smoothed out front of his blazer. 

"You mean you're not happy to see me?" He said, putting his hand to his chest, sarcastically. 

"No! You're a monster!" I screamed, releasing all the tears I was trying to hold back. I regretted it immediately. I could Andrew's eyes turn dark, evil pervading his body. 

"Fine," He growled. "You know what happens when you betray me, Christy?" I didn't say anything as I glared at him. 

"No? Okay, well, it's not good. Say goodbye to anyone you've ever loved." He whispered. "Joseph!" He called to the man standing behind him. Joseph smiled like the devil then turned on the lights. I gasped as I saw a boy hanging from the ceiling by his hands, unconscious. The lights weren't very bright and I had to squint to see any of his features. My breathing stopped as I saw the messy, wet curls on the boy's head. 

It was Harry. 

Tears stung my eyes. I had never seen him in this state. He was always there to protect me. He had never been or seemed like the weak one. 

"Let him go." I seethed through my teeth. Andrew stepped closer to Harry, reaching into his pocket and keeping his hand there. 

"Hmmm... Okay." Andrew agreed. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and pressed the tip of a gun against Harry's chest, right on Harry's heart. 

"NO!" I screamed, lurching forward, but was stopped from my restraints. 

"But you asked me to let him go?" He said, clearly messing with me. "I could put him out of his misery right here, right now." He suggested, pressing the gun harder into Harry's chest. Harry was still unconscious and I couldn't help myself but think about what he would be doing or saying if he were awake. 

"Please, don't." I pleaded. Andrew squinted at me as if he were pondering what he was going to do. This was definitely not the man I once was in love with. He was pure evil.

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head so fast it made me even more dizzier. "Alright, suit yourself." He sang, taking the gun off of Harry's chest. He formed an 'O' with his lips and began to whistle as he and Joseph strutted out of the room, slamming and locking the heavy metal door behind them. They kept the lights on so I had no choice but to look at Harry's broken body. Chains hung from the ceiling and wrapped around his wrists, making the skin bleed. I could see the bones of his shoulder blades popping out of place. His feet weren't even close to touching the ground and I knew his shoulders would be killing him when he woke up... if he woke up. 

I couldn't help but break into tears. I thought that Andrew finding me would be my worst nightmare. Turns out it wasn't. Loosing Harry was and for all I knew, that nightmare had come true. 


Oh my god, CRAZZZZAAAAYYYY! Please, give me feedback. I think the story is getting exciting. Fan, Comment, and Vote! 

I love you! *kisses*

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