Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Christy's POV

The noise of rushing water filled my ears. My stomach turned at the sound of Harry's voice saying Andrew's name. Andrew was Harry's gang leader. I always knew he was a dangerous man and I always knew he kept secrets, but I never knew he was part of a gang. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead. My hands shook as I leaned my weight on the counter; my head spinning. The last time I looked at Andrew's face his eyes were wild and his face was bright red. 

"Babe?" Andrew's deep voice echoed through house making my heart race, beating against my chest. 
I took in a deep breath, trying hide the sign of any of my nerves. I straightened the tight, black dress that was a little snug on my small figure. The black stiletto heels on my feet began to burn the already raw blisters on my heels. Andrew always wanted me to look sexy when he got home. He always said "a lady should look like a lady, no matter the pain." 

"I'm in the kitchen." I tried my hardest to keep my voice steady. Any signs of something weird and Andrew would blow.  Trying to steady my hands, I grabbed the two wooden spoons and began to toss the salad. It took everything within me not to jump when two strong arms wrapped around my waist. 

"I've missed you." His seductive voice whispered in my ears, sending chills down my body. 

"I missed you, too." I lied. "Why don't you go wash up? Dinner's almost ready." I said, turning around to face his chiseled face. His brown eyes stared into mine. For a second, I thought I could see a flash of anger surface in his dark eyes, but quickly vanished. 

"Okay." He said, leaving a peck on my cheek. As soon as his large body was no longer in view, I couldn't help but cringe. He wasn't the man I fell in love with. He was something else. Something evil. The violence had become too much. I couldn't live like this. I wouldn't have been with him if I knew this is how our life was going to turn out. No one was ever supposed to be scared of their boyfriend. Scared to sleep in the same bed as them. Scared to enter the same room. Scared to do  anything around them; afraid to do something that might set them off. 

I carried the plate of roast beef and bowl salad out into the dining area, setting them carefully in the center table. Andrew sat at the table, hands laced together in front of him. I sat down in my chair, looking up at Andrew. His eyes looked darker than before. The muscles in his arms and shoulders tensed as he stared at me. 

"Are you really going to let me eat this food without a drink?" He pointed to the empty glass sitting next to his plate. "You know what I want." His jaw clenched as he stared at me with anger filling his eyes.

"Of course." I said, getting up from my chair and walking into the kitchen. There was only one drink he ever drank at dinner. Whiskey. I grabbed the crystal bottle out of the cabinet. The aroma of the alcohol was already filling the air; a headache forming right under my eyelids. I set the bottle on the table next to his glass, sitting back into my chair. His large hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle as he stared down at the chestnut color liquid. The tan skin on his face quickly turned red with rage. My stomach lurched as his hand came into the air, the bottle of alcohol still in his hand. The crystal bottle smashed against the ground behind me. My heart began to beat a mile a minute, pounding against my chest.

"Do you not love me enough to pour me a drink?!" He screamed, standing from his chair. "I go to work everyday and I work a tiring job. I come home and all I want is for the person I love the most to cook me dinner and pour me a drink. Is that really too much to ask?" His tall figure towered over me as he walked closer to me. The vein in his neck more prominent the closer he got. Fear raced through my veins as I got to my feet, backing against the wall behind me. Soon enough, his large hand was around my neck, squeezing. 

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