Chapter Ten: Dead men.

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"How many men are with you? Tell me!" Alex said, grabbing the shooter by the scruff of his neck "Or so help me God I will end you". 

 There was genuine surprise on his face "I don't know! I'm alone! Damn it!" he yelled.

"Alex!" Damon's voice rang out. 

Damon appeared in view, a torn piece of his shirt was tied around the wound. 

His other hand had lea's wrists in a vise like grip; There was a napkin stuffed in her mouth. Her face was red, puffy, with tear stained cheeks. Her hair was in disarray that showed a sign of extreme struggle. 

She pointedly stared at him; he could see the fear in her eyes. And anger. 

A lot of Anger

"We need to take care of this vicious-- What the fuck? Alex. I left you alone for five minutes and you dismembered the man?"

"Not right now, Damon. Put her in one of the Greenhouses, and I'll deal with her in a minute" Alex said. He didn't look at Lea to gauge what her reaction was as Damon took her away. 

He took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around the shooter's arm who seemed to be on the verge of passing out. 

"What's your name?" Alex asked.

"Dead men have no names" he slurred a bit.

"You have a flesh wound, a swollen wrist, and a few bruised ribs. You'll survive" He replied as he patted his body for hidden weapons. 

 Ten minutes later Damon appeared with two sturdy looking men. The two men wore matching blank expressions, and reached for the shooter without a word. 

"Take him back to the keep, and wait for further orders" Damon instructed.

 Some color had returned to his face, but his eyes were bloodshot and wary "There's complete anarchy back at the Layton house. My informant in the household says they're already organizing a search party" Damon said.

"What about the girl?" Alex questioned.

"I stuffed her in the greenhouse next to this one. Nobody's noticed her absence in the chaos, but they'll be doing a check of all the guests soon enough. We have to get her back to hide any involvement".

 Alex straightened at Damon's words, dusting off his now rumpled jacket "I'll take care of her. Go back and settle everybody at the house; I'll join you shortly". 

Damon gave a concerned look to his injured arm, wiggling his fingers, saying "Fine. I need to get this checked by a doctor anyway because I feel like something is wron--". 

He flipped Alex the middle finger "--Oh wait. Never mind". 

 They laughed like they used to at school after a random fight. 

Before he left, Damon turned with a concerned look "Be careful with the girl; She tried escaping me twice. She bit me and  punched my injured arm in the process". 

Alex raised his eyebrows, keeping a smile from forming on his face. 

"Noted" he said. 


Roses are red. 

Violets are blue. 

Fuck you plants. 

The Deception Of Alexander Riotan #wattys2016Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu