Chapter Five: Crossroads.

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a woman seeking the right to vote through organized protest.

Lea came out of her Legal writing class, preparing to make her way back to the women's boarding room for a much needed nap. The other girls shuffled out behind her, talking about the latest suffragette endeavor, "Lea we're going to get something to eat, would you care to join us?" Elizabeth Rochester questioned, flanked by two of their classmates.

Elizabeth was the daughter of a very prominent business man. Mr Rochester ran a very prestigious hotel, and because there was a scarcity of male heirs in her family Elizabeth had grown up dreaming about helping her father run it.

A few days ago she had come back from a visit home, forlorn, saying that she had finally breached the subject to her father. The conversation hadn't gotten well. He had stubbornly refused her saying that he had indulged her with Girton to make her happy, but he was going to marry her off the second she received a decent proposal.

"The Rochester is in my veins. I grew up in that hotel. I know the heart and soul of it, and there is no one who deserves to run it more than I do" Elizabeth had said "I'm his daughter. But he's willing to let his hard work turn to ash rather than see it come under the hands of a woman. Hasn't been a day that I haven't cursed that fact".

"I used to think that being a woman was a weakness" Lea had replied, shaking her head "They will never recognize our sacrifices. Our ambition will be taken as selfishness. Our courage taken as vulgarity. But it's not. If anything we're stronger because our burden is greater. We have to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. Show him your strength. Your resilience. And don't convince him that you deserve it because you're his daughter, but because you're the most qualified, equipped, person to do so".

Lea jerked back to the present, saying "I would love to, but I'm going to head back to my room to rest. I have a test the day after tomorrow, and I'll need all the rest I can get".

She never said no to food, but it was one those lazy days, and she just wanted to curl up in bed. They waved her off as they walked away "Well, good luck!" Elizabeth said.

On her way back Lea ran into her comparative religion and law professor. Professor Sybil was Scottish with fiery red curls and a temperament to match. Men usually scurried off the path if they got in her way, and many had quaked in their boots under her sharp tongue. Lea absolutely adored her. "Good evening" Lea greeted, "I was actually looking for you, professor. I wanted to talk to you regarding your coming trip to Rome".

Professor Sybil shifted the stack of papers she was carrying under her arm "I'm hoping you're considering joining me, Leanna, I was going to bring it up in our next class. Girton has an affiliation with the Saint Mary's college in Rome, and our students have an opportunity to study their courses there. It's open to female students as well though we haven't gotten the excited response we hoped". Lea had considered it, she wanted to see the world, and this was another opportunity.

She'd have to live in Italy for more than a year, but Lea was looking forward to immersing herself in a different culture. "I have" she said "I just wanted to go over the financial details before I decided anything, and I've heard you're the heading this". Professor Sybil nodded, her curls bobbing alongside her head "I am and I'll go over all the details with you" she scrunched her face "Tomorrow. I have a meeting to get to at the moment so I apologize". Lea shifted her books as well, giving a polite smile "Not at all professor. I will see you tomorrow" she said.

There was a stack of mail awaiting Lea in her room. Letters from family, friends, from back home. She smiled setting them aside to answer later when her eyes landed on a glossy white invitation. Apparently the Layton family was hosting a house party at their country state in celebration of Griffin and Lady Calliope's engagement. There was a personal note attached to the invitation in a loopy script.

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