Chapter Six: Blind men.

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I got maimed by the boy that I like, nice -Lea.

"Madam I am incredibly sorr --" he began, embarrassment lining his voice. Lea dimly saw him crouch down and relight the lantern.

"--I am going to tear out your damn arm--" she seethed, breathing through the pain "and bloody beat you to death with it".

There was a sudden silence "lea?" Alex exclaimed, recognizing the planes of her face.

"I am so sorry. You took me by surprise" he continued "and by you looked absolutely ghastly with the lantern". The initial sharpness of the pain had receded, leaving behind a dull ache, and Lea straightened. She had a tart reply on the tip of her tongue when hands suddenly slipped in her night robe. "Where does it hurt?" he inquired, his hands examining with a gentle efficiency. He nudged her stomach, his breath stirred the skin at her temple "Here?". It took her a good minute to gather her scattered wits "Alex" she said "If you don't remove your hands from my person then I will give you something to inspect".

His wandering stilled, and the cool rush of air greeted her when he automatically stepped back.

He had lost his evening coat, his cravat was undone, and the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his forearms. His wavy hair looked thoroughly mussed. Alex turned around to look up at her, with her hair falling down her shoulders and those horrid glasses perched on her nose.

His mouth lifted at a corner in a smile "Ghastly" he repeated.

She raised her eyebrows, a smirk playing on her lips "At least I wasn't the one that went--AHHHEEEHHH" she mimicked his feminine shriek, and waved her hands up in the air. He moved in a flash and covered her mouth "Quiet. You'll wake half the house, you impossible woman".

"EH Mat an Fi" she said.

"What?" he said, frowning. He didn't expect the foot that slammed down on his. This time Alex bent over, and took lungfuls of air through the pain.

"I said eat maggots, and die. How's that for quiet" Lea said. He was going to murder her, murder her and dump her in a dratted pond.

"You know Alex. I like you, but I don't appreciate the way you invade my personal space, and manhandle me. I imagined with the station you have, you would have adopted a modicum of respect in front of a lady".

Alex couldn't believe her "A lady?" he said. He didn't know whether to laugh or toss her over his shoulder, and carry out that pond idea. "I suppose I deserve that" he sighed.

"And talking about decorum...You called me Alex. I don't think I gave you permission to address me with such familiarity".

He saw her lift a shoulder in a shrug "I suppose I should address you with your correct title. Put the lantern down. It might take a while" she said. His lips quirked at her dry tone, saying "My Lord will do". She grabbed her lantern from his hands with a snort "That is never happening" she said.

"Riotan seems appropriate" he said "But more importantly what are you doing out of your room?"

"I was going to get water" She said, casually "Which reminds me I should be going".

Alex nodded "Quite right" he said "It's very late". None of them moved, and Lea was enveloped by that awkward feeling again like the first time she met him, and when she was was standing on the staircase during the ball.

This one.

The thought flitted through her mind, and she coughed, saying "Have a pleasant nig--er-morning".

The Deception Of Alexander Riotan #wattys2016Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora