16 1 1

Olivia's PoV

This is a bad idea why did i let him out of all people drive me to the hospital? Maybe its because he said he would leave me alone, yeah that has to be it or maybe it because i want to see if harry is there. Why the hell am I talking to myself. I sigh and shake my head and erase that thought from my head and walk downstairs into the kitchen to get Apple. I sit on the counter and bite into the apple. As I'm eating the apple my phone starts to ring and me being me I don't look at the caller ID and just pick the phone up

"Hello?" I say into the phone. "Hey Olivia it's Harry." I groan into the phone and roll my eyes. " How the fuck may I help you Harold." I hear him scowl and I hear Niall's voice faintly in the background and then it dawns on me. " You're with him?" I sigh and jump off the counter and walk back to my room. " yeah and we might be early." He mumbles and I look at the phone confused but then I remember he can't see my face. "What do you mean might be early?" I walk into my room and lay down on my bed. "Just come to the door we'll explain in the c-." I hang the phone up before he can finish his sentence I groan and get up off the bed grab my sneakers and yell to my mom I'm leaving . She yells back saying being safe I walk out the house and walk up to Niall's car and jump in.

"Don't talk to me Niall, Harry tell me what's going on with my best friend that had you guys had to pick me up early." I snap at them Harry just chuckles and Niall rolls his eyes but keeps quite.

"The hospital called and said that she has been moving her fingers a little bit and that she might be fully awake today!" Harry smiles at me and I see the excitement in his eyes but all I can do is stare at him in shock.

My best friend is most likely waking up today. I'm ecstatic, she will be awake and I can't wait I miss her so much even though it's only been a week. I smile at Harry and just look out the window till we pull up to the hospital.

I jump out of the car and run to the building . I never run but this is my best and only friend so she's worth it so much. I enter the building and go up to the receptionist desk and as to see Kate Grant, she tells me which room she's in even though I already know. I walk to her room and open her door and walk in.

"Hey Kate." I smile and grab her hand slightly and her fingers twitch and that makes me smile even more.

"The doctors think you will be waking up again that's good news cause i miss your stupid voice so much it's crazy and it's only been a week." I say laughing I then look at her arms and frown and I feel tears well up in my eyes. How did I miss this? How did I not see her scars or how unhappy she was even though we were never really happy but still I didn't see this I could have stopped this. At this point the tears are streaming down my face and hitting her arm.

" I don't deserve to be called your best friend I'm a horrible friend." I sob and that's when I feel Kate squeeze my hand I look up and wipe my eyes with my free hand and see her eyes trying to open and just as she was about to open them Harry and Niall walked in. I give them a look telling them to be quiet and I look back at Kate.

"Come on Kate you're so close come back to us." I say and she starts to squeeze my hand a little harder and her eyes open slightly. I smile widely at her then at Harry and Niall and tell them to go get a doctor or nurse. They nod and run out the room yelling for someone and I just look at my best friend and start crying all over again holding her hand I want to hug her so damn bad but I want to make sure it's okay to hug her from the doctors.

A few minutes later a nurse walks in and smiles at me and she looks at Kate and tell her to drink the water she if giving her to help with her dry throat. She takes the glass from her and gulps the water down she smiles at the nurse and says thank you her voice is still scratchy but that's common I guess if you've been asleep for a week . All that mattered to me at that moment, was that my best friend was back.
Welp I lied and I'm so sorry this chapter is short and not the best but I tried it's not edited either so I hope someone likes it......I really hope it was ok because I think it was good for being gone for two months right? Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you guys like again... See ya!!!

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