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Olivia's PoV

"Mom are sure your ok?" I ask frantically "yes Olivia I am fine just get some rest please." "Ok night mom." I walk into my room before she can respond and before I get a text

Katebear: hey are you ok?

Me: yea just worried about mom that's all

Katebear: this is all nialls fault.....why did he have to take your mom!!!

Me: Kate calm down its ok as long as my mom and you are ok it's gonna be ok.

Katebear: ok but I'm still sorry that he did that to you guys your like my only family so I am protective of you guys.

Me:i know you are but i will see you at school in the morning im tired

Katebear: ok night

I put my phone on the charger and think about what happened to day before i fell asleep.

Super short chapter but oh well

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