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Kate's PoV
"Olivia did u finish the algebra test?" She look at me confused. "Oh , yeah why." "I don't know I just wanted to know. " she shrugged and finished grabbing the rest of her lunch . we went to or regular table by the trash can , the only table that we could be away from the bullies and still have a table . As soon as we sat down Niall and his crew , Harry Liam , Louis came over to us and grabbed me by my hair . I yelled in pain " STOP WE LEFT YOU ALONE WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING " he threw me to the ground . I hated him I fucking hate him. Harry grabbed Olivia and pushed her to the ground. "s-stop Harry " "leave me alone"
After I took Olivia home I went straight home and and went in my room . I went to my bathroom and grabbed the razor blade from my drawer . I cried as I put repetitive lines across my wrist . I kept on doing it until I fell asleep on the floor ,with blood everywhere and not even caring .

My bully Niall Horan [VERY SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now