Matt x Reader (4)

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Warning: SMUT

The sensation took over your whole body as Matt placed little tiny kisses on your neck.

You couldn't help but wonder, how did you go from a casual bonfire at Zack's house to Matt about to fuck you. In his house. On his bed. And he's not even your boyfriend.

You two were nothing.

"You're so beautiful, (y/n)." Matt whispered huskily in your ear, sending shivers down to your toes.

You could already feel his hardness rubbing against you more aggressively.

And to be honest, you couldn't complain.

Who would?

You let him strip you down to nothing. Matt took a good look at you and softly spoke, "so beautiful..."

He leaned forward and massaged your chest, sucking on your neck in the process.

"I'm gonna fuck you (y/n)." he growled.

All you could do was moan.

But you yelled out as you felt him enter inside of you.

"Fuck," he groaned, "you're so wet."

He entered the rest of his length in and started pumping.

"Fuck, Matt..." you were able to speak.

Matt continued to leave bites all over your neck and chest while his hands were placed on your curves and hips moving faster and faster as he went.

"Fuck I'm almost there." he growled as his bites got more intense.

But you reached your point first. You screamed his name and dug your nails in his back just as he reached his point not too long after.

Matt pulled himself out and rested with you, pulling you close in front of him.

He kissed your cheek and soon fell asleep listening to the sound of your breathing.

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