Cheating Cowards |E|

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It's the last day of school today, I wouldn't be able to see Evangeline until next year and I really don't want her to think I never cared about her because I did. I cared for her more than I ever did anyone. Even Jane.

I needed her to know that I never intended on hurting her. That's why I reached out to almost everyone she knew, her friends and her class buddies as she refers to them. For the past two months, I've tried to get them to help me speak to Ev but they only shielded her.

"Chin up," Josh said. "I'm sure Evangeline would forgive you. If not now then later but you pestering her friends to get to talk to her won't make it better."

I leaned against the lockers. Frustrated and determined on making Ev speak to me. "I know but it's much more than that, I love her, Josh. I didn't want to hurt her the way I did." My phone vibrated as Kilian's name flashed onto the screen with an incoming message. "I really regret it, I always have. More when I saw Ev on the brink of tears, she was so hurt. And I was the reason for that."

As I wait for Josh to say something, I peak open Kilian's message.

Kilian: Honey!! Why're you ignoring me again!? I want some damn Cheetos!

Albert: I'm at school, Kilian.

Kilian: Bleh!!

"Obviously, you slept with another chick whom you've just met while Evangeline was in Hawaii." Josh sighs, "No wonder she's been crying beneath the bleachers for a month already."

"What do you mean?" I ask, intrigued.

"Every day at this time for the past month or so, I've seen Evangeline bawling her eyes out under the bleachers." He informs me.

"And you're just telling me this now!?" I bite, "Is she there now?"

Josh nods, "Yeah, I saw her on the way here. Why?"

"It's my opportunity, man! My chance to talk to her, alas!" I shout, running toward the bleachers.

As I reach them, I catch a glimpse of Evangeline. She's not sobbing, she's frowning as she pulls pieces of grass. She's upset, to tired to cry more. "Ev," I breathe as I take a seat beside her.

She starts to get up so she can walk away but I'm quick to grab her wrist, "Please, I need to clear things up." I plead but she only shakes her head. Hurt evident in her eyes, or maybe that's anger.

"I have nothing to say, Albert, and I don't want to listen either!" She argues.

I pull myself up and hold onto both her hands. "What's the matter then? Why have you been under these bleachers every day for the past month or so? Because of me?"

She scoffs, "You're all the fucking same! You're all cheating cowards!" She yanks her hands away and scowls. "Stay the fuck away, Albert."

Cheating cowards? I didn't know she was dating another guy who had also cheated on her.

She was talking about me, wasn't she?

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