Lunch |E|

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"You're unbelievable," I scoff. "I snuck out of the house behind Mom's back just so you can treat me to lunch and throw the bomb on me? How could you be thinking of marrying that whore you cheated with!?"

Dad invited me to lunch at Fio's Burgers to catch up and spend some time together since we haven't ever since we've begun living with the Jourdans.

He knows all about Nicolas and he hates his damn guts which is why I cannot tell him where under his roof because Dad will lose it. He may not care about Mom or me like I once thought he did but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like the idea of us living with his former wife's former husband.

Besides, with us no longer there, I'm sure Dad had Chloe - Mom's best friend - settle into his home. "Chloe is getting divorced, too, Ev! We'd be married once both our divorces are completed, I want you there. I want your blessing for us and I want you to be her flower girl. I need to know I can count on you, Ev."

I shake my head furiously, "I can't, I refuse to! You betrayed Mom with her best friend, you didn't even fight for us when we ditched your house to live somewhere else! You didn't even ask me to see you before, until now. Now, when you want to marry another bitch and still have the nerve to ask for me blessing!"

Dads face falls. "Ev, this is important to me and I really want you to be there." He slides the invitation back to me. "In case you change your mind, I'll be waiting for your arrival."

I scoff, standing from my seat. "I'll be at anywhere else but your wedding with that whore!"

I walk out of the restaurant with a very disappointed father looking at me through the window of his booth.

If I hurt his feelings, I don't care.

He didn't care when he hurt ours.

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