Tutor |E|

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I'm not a very outward person but here I am, in front of Albert, ready to actually speak to him. Thank him for Friday night at the homecoming dance. "Sure," Albert smiles, a certain gleam in his eyes as he escorts me away from his perverted friends who have not stopped glancing at us. "What do you want to talk about? If this is about homecoming, don't even start. I already told you it was my honor. Besides, I got to dance with you."

My cheeks heat up a little, turning an ugly shade of pink. "Thank you, I just really don't know how I should thank you for -"

"There's nothing to thank me for, Evangeline." Albert smiles a toothy smile. "I loved every second of that dance with you, I love the way your eyes sparkled and the way your blonde curls swiftly swayed as we danced back and forth, I had a great time."

"It'd just make me feel better if I could somehow return your kindness," I say. The bell rings before he can speak and I wait anxiously for his response before I have to get going to class.

"If you really want to," he states. "Tutor me."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Tutor you? That's what you want in return for your kindness?" Albert nods. "Starting when?"

Half the hall is empty already, if we don't get going, we'd be late to our classes. "Tomorrow after school?"

I'd have to check if Mom is okay with that. She's very protective of me ever since she had a miscarriage a few years ago before she had me. "Sure," I say regardless. I'm sure I can convince Mom to give me permission. "Your house, alright?"

"Perfect!" Albert beams, walking backwards, ready to sprint to his class. "It's a study date!"


"Tutoring?" Mom seems intrigued. "I'm not sure, Ev. I don't know the kid or his family, what if they did something to you?"

"I doubt Albert is like that," I argue, if I don't get her permission to tutor Albert, how will I thank him now? "Besides he's the guy I told you about that made my night after Eric's affair. ."

Mom sighed deeply, she never told me why she hates the word affair but she just does. Maybe she'll tell me some day and if she never does, I'd have to be able to live with that. "Have you asked your father?"

I shake my head. Dad hasn't arrived from work, I don't think he'd want to hear about my school issues as soon as he settles in after a ong day at work. I give Mom a hopeful look and she obliges, "Fine, fine! You can tutor the kid, Ev, but please me safe."

My lips curl up into a smile, "You worry to much for me, I'll be fine." I, thankful for Albert giving me his phone number during lunch, take my phone out and send him a message confirming our tutoring session.

Evangeline: Tutoring will begin tomorrow after school, right? 2:50ish is okay with you?

Albert: Perfect, see you tomorrow. Goodnight, beautiful.

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