Le Diner Est Servi |E|

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Dinner was delicious, I'm not quite sure what it was since it was a French meal but it was good nonetheless. Albert and Mr. Jourdan had brought out desert for us; ice cream sundaes.

"So, Evangeline," Mr. Jourdan starts off a new topic. "What do your parents do for a living?" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Albert since before he cleared his throat and looked his father in the eye.

"Are you really sure that's an appropriate topic, Dad?" Albert says as politely as he could through gritted teeth. "You never know if Ev doesn't feel comfortable with telling us the way her family gets income."

I quickly shake my head, "I don't really care, really, it's fine." I shoot Albert a reassuring smile before looking back toward his father. "My Mom is a stay-at-home kind of Mom, she makes sure I have everything I need and safe. My Dad, however, is a doctor. He used to cure my injuries when I'd fall off a tree or scraped my knees whenever I crashed my bike."

Mr. Jourdan seemed intrigued, "That's a good career choice. Are you planning on going into the medical field as well, following your fathers footsteps?"

I never really thought about what I want to do after high school, graduation is still two years away. In my eyes, I still have plenty of time to decide on a firm subject. "I haven't really thought of it," I confess. "I am, kind of, interested in psychology at the moment."

He raises his eyebrows and smiles, "I'm sure you'd succeed in whatever you decide to do." I slightly turn my head and catch Albert murdering his bottom lip with his teeth in a form of anxiety. I don't know what has him so nervous, his Dad's questions aren't that bad. What's so bad about wanting to know someone's career choice?


After dinner, we gathered around the living room. We sat and watched some television before Alberts father decided to turn it off and face me. "I hope your parents can make it to dinner some other time, it was great having you."

I smile and thank him whilst looking around the room quickly. "I'm sure they'd love that, maybe your wife can join us, too? In the few weeks I've come here, I've never caught sight of her."

Mr. Jourdan frowned slightly before main thing his face flat. "My wife isn't mentioned in his household; not for quite some time."

I quickly apologize, I didn't know it was a soft topic to talk about here. I must've pissed him off this time.

To avoid tension, I continue to maneuver my eyes around he room until a certain image caught my attention. The image was one of Mr. Jourdan beside a beautiful woman that appeared to be a little older than him

His mother maybe?

But that thought was crossed the second that I had focused more on that image. This woman looked like an older version of my mother. I couldn't hold my curiosity so I gestured to the photo and asked "Who's this woman? If you don't mind me asking; she looks sort of familiar."

"She was a dear acquaintance of mine," Mr. Jourdan smiles sadly. "She was beautiful, no? Her name was Athena."

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