Epilogue |E|

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Fourteen years later

"Mommy, tell the story!" Angel pleads, jumping up and down in my arms. Albert and I had an adorable baby boy and today is his third birthday.

"Not right now, honey." Albert said as he took him from my arms and tossed him in the air before catching him. I took my chance and looked around at the party guests who had come to celebrate with us.

From afar, I caught a glimpse of Nico scowling and mom holding him tightly as if to prevent him from doing something he'd regret. "What's up with Nicolas?" I ask Albert but by the time I see his face, he's already frowning, holding Angel closer.

I follow their gaze and see the one man who I haven't spoken to in ages. The one who wasn't there for Mom's wedding, for my wedding, for any of my birthdays or the birth of my son. "What the hell is he doing here?"

I ignore Albert's attempt to keep me beside him and scurry toward Eddie Ross - my Dad. "You're not welcome here, Eddie." I bark, "How did you even find out about my sons birthday party?"

Dad was holding a birthday present in his hand as he took in my appearance and responds. "I have every right to be here, honey. He's my grandson."

"No!" I deadpan, Dad eyebrows furrow in confusion. "My son is not your grandson! You weren't there for me for years! How do you want my son to be a part of your life?"

Dad's eyes lose their shine, "Evangeline, honey -"

"What are you doing here?" Nicolas snaps, he gets between me and Eddie which is a smart choice since I haven't forgiven Dad for abandoning me and for choosing Chloe.

"I wanted to come meet my grandson; is that a crime now?" Mom tugs Nicolas backward, beside Albert and Angel. "Is he your son?" Dad asks, gesturing the blonde-headed toddler.

"Yeah, he's my son." I deadpan as Dad smiles and tries to reach for him but Albert doesn't let him.

"Who is that, daddy?" I hear Angel ask, "He's making mommy sad."

"How cute, he speaks already?" Dad asks.

"Why are you here? Why did you abandon me and then decide to show up?"

"Honey, I didn't abandon you. I was just .. busy," He makes excuses. "You know I had just gotten married, I had to be with Chloe."

"That's not a valid reason," I argue, trying to prevent unshed tears. "I need you to go now, dad."

"Ev -"

"You heard her, Ross." Nico stepped in front of me, again. "Beat it before I beat you."

Dad stood tall and brave in front of Nico, Albert handed Angel to me and joined his dad. "You hurt my wife, I won't let you hurt her again. You need to go, Eddie." He hisses.

"She's my daughter, you can't deny me access to her." Dad argues.

Nicolas was baffled, "Oh, now she's your daughter?" He shoved dad, "Where the hell were you when she was sobbing because your bitch wife had slammed the door in her face when she went to invite you to her wedding eleven years ago? Where were you when she graduated from high school?"

Nicolas shoved dad after every question he asked. "Where the fuck were you when she got accepted into the college of her dreams? When she got her first job? When she got married!? Her entire pregnancy?"

Dad stayed quiet, giving Nicolas the chance to continue. "That's right! You were fucking your bitch!" Mom began to tug Nicolas back but he refused. "She needed you and you weren't there! But I was. I was there in every part, I did what you failed to do!"

"Eddie," Mom spoke, after realizing Nicolas wasn't going to stop. "Just go, Evangeline suffered enough after your absence, she doesn't need to suffer now."

My tears had already slipped from my eyes and Angel tried his best to wipe them away with his petite hands. "Don't cry, mommy."


"You had a warning, Ross!" Nico said before he punched him, knocking him down to the ground. Our guests tried to not pay attention to the scene, I released Angel so he could run around with his buddies.

Albert ushered me and mom inside and then went to Nico. I don't know what happened after that, all I know is Dad set the gift down on the table and walked away.

Mom joined the party while Nico came to me. "Don't let him ruin this day, smile and lift your head up." I nod and he helps me inside. "Let's get you cleaned up so we could return to the party."

I nodded and looked at Nico as he started to take my makeup out. "Thank you, Nico." I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"I told you, sweetie." He smiles, "I'll always be here for you. Always."


Thank you so much for reading this story! I hope I didn't disappoint anyone! I appreciate every comment and vote that was given!

I hope you'll also read my new story "When The Storm Hits!"

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