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My heart shattered. The concept of my existence and love were merely fabricated. It was all a lie! A lucrative sham! A- ...! You get my point.

Okay, maybe I'm being a bit over the top but that's what it felt like. My boyfriend of two years had suddenly broken up with me. I was depressed, broken and I was dreadfully tired. The last thing I needed in life was any excitement, but I had learnt otherwise on that rainy, Friday morning.

There I was minding my business, smelling the flowers and what not, when I started to skate across the school's slippery floor. I flew like a figure skater (an ungraceful one I might add) while clawing at people's shirts trying to stop. No such luck. Abruptly, I collided face first into a human brick wall.

Thanks for almost splitting my skull open.

One sniff and there was no doubt in my mind that I, Lucy Hemsdale, was face to face, correction, face to chest, with humiliation. My head raised and my eyes squinted to slits, the ceiling lights frying my eyes for breakfast, and stared up at him.

Axel Bryan

You may be tempted to ask how I knew it was him just by a whiff of his intoxicating scent and I'd be tempted to tell you to mind your business, sweetie.

His name said it all. Not only was he a jock but the jock. The most sought after boy in school. This time I'm not exaggerating. I'd bet ten dollars and my lucky bracelet that a group of girls are huddled around someone's phone and are currently over-analysing his 'good morning' text. Looking up into his questioning eyes made me stutter incoherently. Who could blame me? Axel Bryan was standing right in front of me!

"Just breathe. You'll be alright," I mentally told myself, but his eyes held a dangerous and smouldering glint causing my stomach to execute Olympic gold medal winning backflips. My demeanour deflated right then and there.

"Beautiful, next time, watch where you're going," he light-heartedly said with a boyish grin and strolled away in the opposite direction.

Phew, that was close. Just an everyday activity, you know? People bump into each other all the time. No big deal. Regaining my senses, I self-consciously walk to my locker. Did my breath smell okay? Was my outfit on point? Were my curls poppin'?! As I made it to my locker I went down my mental list of worries.

Suddenly, a warm hand clapped down on my shoulder. My gaze travelled from the all too familiar hand, up pass the bicep I remember clutching onto so many times in the not too long ago painful past and finally, I saw his face. A new wave of depression was washing over me in strong, unrelenting and unforgiving tides.

Daniel, my ex, was staring at me.

My inner crazy person kept shouting "Batten down the hatches and run like there's no tomorrow!" But it was too late. He had already begun talking and I froze. He stopped to let out a barely audible sigh and- and- smiled? Cute. Funny.

"Lucy? Did you hear what I said?" his eyes held questions that I doubt I had the answers for. I was the one who was supposed to be questioning him, not the other around. Bastard.

"Look, assh- I mean, Daniel," I gave him a devilish smile to let him know that that was intentional, "I'm not interested in anything you have to say. You could've came to my house and talked with me in private, not out in the halls for everyone's entertainment."

He looked shocked.

"Lulu lemon, don't be like that with me. I'm only trying to apologize."

I felt my blood starting to boil. How dare even attempt to apologize without begging on his knees for my forgiveness. I should backhand him with a frilly glove and trot fluidly away. He was the one who cheated. Who constantly lied. Who embarrassed me. He was the one who promised forever and didn't mean it. Who said I love you and did not fucking mean any of it! Thinking of this almost caused my body to quake. Luckily, the bell rang so I was offered an easy escape. I peeled his hand of off my shoulder  and made it to my homeroom. To say I was on the verge of screaming my lungs out would be an understatement.

My Friend with Benefits Stole My Heart (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now