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Monday 18th January 2016

Strolling the very short way to the kitchen, tired from staying up too late. Mum's sitting in her own uniform in front of Leo who's sitting in his green pram. She's trying to play with him- points for trying... she changes the tone of her voice, moving her hands in weird ways, making her look really silly but Leo wasn't interested.

He's staring at her in the cutest yet most confused way, I couldn't help but laugh, ''mum, you're scaring him,'' I choke out making her circle around to playfully glare at me. ''Hey, I'm not scaring him, he's just not in the mood it seems- you ready for school?'' She questioned looking down to my uniform.

''Yes, unfortunately, I'll see you at about seven when I get home from work.'' I give Leo a kiss on his head then turned to give my mum a side hug. ''Alright Dawn, have a good day.'' She told me, giving me a soft smile, I wave, then leave my house.

I walked the short distance to Tyler's house, kids and parents rushing to get to school on time walk past me. Tyler stood waiting outside for me. He's holding his black blazer over his left arm, bag in the other. His light pink tie crooked. Everyone hates the uniforms, there are ugly, uncomfortable and the worst in the sun. But Miss. Genso won't allow us to wear anything else.

''Well, don't you look a sight for sore eyes,'' I said cheerfully when I take in his blood shocked eyes.

''Yeah, I got up late, I had a big game,'' he grumbled as we started walking to school. I wanted to mess with him a little, "well, I can tell, I hope you won your game. Come on or we're going to be late.'' I speeded up, he groans my name, telling me to slow down.

Once we got into the apple red, high school building, we went our separate ways. I had English first, he had PE, I don't know whose sucked worse, I think Tyler takes the cake.

Sitting down at the front table as everyone else came in, all sour faced because it's Monday, the bell went off to tell the students that classes are in session, but the others who were late would get a detention slip.

In the classroom, there's tables that sat four students to each, on mine there was Abby, she's a really pretty, so sweet. She was small for her age at four foot eleven, she has this bone straight black hair cut up to her shoulders.

There was Tim, who is the jokester, he reminded me of a young Louis Tully off Ghostbusters without the glasses, then there was Asher with Caucasian, light skin tone, that set off his hazel eyes, he's one of those who hangs around in the popular crowd, who are full of themselves but then he hangs around with everyone else as well. I find it weird how he could do that, but he is cute.

Mrs. Marks tells us we're all going to do pair work with the person sat next to them, I'm pretty glad Abby is my partner.

''... to explain one thing they really like and enjoy, then you have to write it all down. After you do this I want you to stand up after I call on you and explain to everyone what you have learnt about your partners, this is to help with your confidence to talk out loud.''

Everyone's unhappy with having to stand up and talk, but I ignored them, just before I turn to Abby I see Tim throw a paper airplane across the room, turning to Abby to see her roll her eyes at Tim as she moves her body to face mine. ''Hey Dawson, so what's your passion?'' she asks quietly in her bubbly voice, her small brown eyes shining as she waits patiently for my answer.

''Right guys, it's been half an hour, please finish what you're writing... Franky you can go first since you're so interested in speaking when I am!''

Everyone laughs at him, I couldn't see as Franky's sat behind me, I just rolled my eyes at them all, just wanting to get this over with. When the others finished talking about football, makeup, reading and dancing they finally got to our table.

I'll Rise Up - Completed #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now