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Saturday 16th January 2016

"We're so busted Tyler!" I whisper wildly, knowing there was entirely no point in trying to run away, I hear Tyler shuffle fast over to me, I could only make out his eyes, his face centimetres from mine but it's still hard to make out his face with it being darker than before.

"It's going to be fine Dawson, I'll talk to him," quickly spoke Tyler.

As soon as Tyler finishes, I could hear Luke open the door, switching on the garden light illuminating us both, it made me blink, his footsteps stomp over the grass fast, towards us.

"What do you think you're doing?" Luke screeches to a halt in front of us, his blue eyes furious, his brown hair a shade darker than mine, he looks livid.

"Calm down, will you, we're only having a bit of fun," Tyler said bored, folding his arms. Oh no, I move away a couple steps, I definitely didn't want to get in the middle of this, hopefully this will help them sort out their rubbish, I see a small grey rock, and focus all of my attention onto it, trying to drown out their voices.

"Fun, you think this is funny Tyler, really!" Luke suddenly asks. Maybe not, "and what is that smell?" After a couple of seconds, he answers his own question. "It's eggs- isn't it?" He turns to take in his window.

I grimace, I switch my gaze to face the ground again, pretty ashamed. I roll around my brain, taking a deep breath in, I wanted to cough, as I realise it smells a lot like how my dad smelt, when I last saw him. Now I knew tonight wasn't going to end well as I began to feel a little dizzy. 

Then suddenly I heard movement coming from the direction of the house, distracting me, which I was thankful for, until he opens his mouth, "What the hell is going on out here!" He interrupts both Tyler and Luke from their hushed tones.

Who's that- why is he alone with Luke?

"What is that stench!" The mystery boy voice sneers out, coughing. I frown, as a really good looking boy came in view, he's got really dark brown hair, taller than both Tyler and I, he's about the same height as Luke. I then turn to where Tyler is.

I thought he said it was just going to be Luke.

"Nothing Colton, go back inside," Luke replies tiredly, I could hear the frustration in his voice when he turns to the stranger. "No- what's going on, who's that Luke?" Colton clearly said, sounding angry, pointing at me.

I move over to Tyler, knowing what a crappy situation we were in, I would think Colton is really handsome if he didn't sound so mean, he also looked familiar. "That's Tyler best friend Dawson." Luke tells him, his tone calmer, I felt I was on another planet as they talked, like I wasn't there.

"Oh, hey- um, sorry Tyler, I didn't realise." Colton apologies in a lower tone, I turn to see Tyler's facial expression, but he didn't give anything away, his face straight, I could only feel the tension from his body.

"It's alright Colton, you didn't know." None of us spoke for a minute or two after Tyler says this, which makes it really awkward.

I cleared my throat, I felt all the boys' eyes turn to me, "Urm... Tyler, I need to get home, you know I can't be late," I informed him trying to get us out of this awkward situation the only way I could think of.

Luke and Colton didn't say anything as Tyler stare at me.

Luke then spoke up without any emotion. "Go Tyler, get Dawson home." Tyler clears his throat nodding, "come on Dawson," Tyler sounds so defeated, my heart broke for him, it really did, as we turned away from the brooding pair, and started to walk away.

"Wait... Tyler!" Luke shouts, getting Tyler to turn his head around so fast, "yeah?" I spin also, "once you get home, phone me, I'll answer- we'll talk... ok?" Luke asks hesitantly, shuffling his bare feet against the stone floor.

"Yeah... ok, I will," Tyler said, confusion could be heard in Tyler voice, yet so was relief. I smile wide, totally forgetting that Colton was staring.

I was wrong, tonight's amazing. I regret nothing, plus, we didn't even get told off about the eggs.

Sunday 17th of January 2016.

The next afternoon, mum came from the kitchen to answer the front door, we me being too busy playing peekaboo with Leo, with his soft baby blue blanket, making him giggle. He's got this little dimple in his left cheek that just added to his cuteness, his eyes lit up whenever I popped up shouting boo playfully, I was beaming at Leo when Tyler came in.

"Hey babe." Tyler says, giving me a wink, Tyler walks up to the rug, Leo and I are sitting on.

He reaches down for Leo, picking him up from his mat next to me. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a black plain top, he loves the colour black, you wouldn't see him in anything else.

"How is my best friend doing?" Tyler says turning from Leo, whose small chubby fingers were messing with Tyler's face pulling at his skin, making me lift my lips in a smile, "I'm alright, thanks for coming, yesterday seems unreal?" I respond.

"No problem- it was ridiculous... I was expecting Luke to knock me out or something, I'd deserve it." He joked, adding, "but I guess he didn't." Tyler passes Leo back to me, I put him in between my legs, giving him his yellow teddy.

Tyler carried on, "When I phoned him when I got home. I said I was sorry for egging the house, he laughed down the phone saying he deserved it, and that he's sorry. Luke said he'll make more of an effort in staying in contact."

I told him I was happy for him, the boy, Colton has been on my mind last night and this morning, so I asked Tyler about him. Tyler frowns watching me before saying, "that was Colton, Luke's younger brother, he's our age, but passed a year, you probably haven't seen him at school. Oh, I forgot you didn't know Luke has Brothers," he added thoughtfully.

"Brothers?" Confusion filled my thoughts, as I dip my head down, I smooth Leo hair.

"Yes, there's Colton who's fifteen and there's Declan who's eighteen, but Luke hardly looks nothing like them, but you could hardly tell the other two apart."

"Crazy, I've only just found that out, I guess I need to make more effort into getting to know Luke better." I inform him shrugging, feeling bad. Tyler regards me in delight before he crawls over to Leo and me, he wraps his arm around us both.

"I'd love that Dawson."

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I'll Rise Up - Completed #Wattys2017Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang