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Monday 18th of January 2016

Ava wouldn't let me stay, telling me that I needed a good night's sleep, I was thankful to her for doing that. I'm back in my school uniform but without the ugly pink tie and black blazer. I moved them into my bag. My pants were sticking to my thighs with sweat from the heat. I'm scrolling slowly down the broken concrete path below me.

I took out my phone, to which I let out a small smile.

Mum: Dawn, I'm just checking in, I know you're at work, but just message me back when you see this. Love you.

Me: I'm ok mum, Ava let me finish a bit earlier so I've decided to go down to the beach. Love you too, give Leo a kiss from me.

Mum: Ok Dawn. Be safe.

I reached the beach when I put my phone back in my bag. I sigh. As I lifted my dejected eyes, they took in the wide coverage of gloomy grey clouds. Flecks of light, tried to break free from the atmosphere. I felt as if whenever I was in a worthless mood, the skies could reflect what I'm feeling inside- perfectly.

I took out my blazer out of my bag, putting it back on. I move down to the sand, dropping down to face the dark water. I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. I rub my forearms to keep from the sudden chill.

Before moving to Richburg, where we used to live in the city, Strainton was wild. Busy everywhere, you bumped into everyone, but it was always cold- if we were ever lucky to get sun it was the stuffy kind. I hated it.

So when I moved here with mum the weather's always beautiful and fresh. It never rained, we're lucky finding Richburg, mum said she got recommended it by an old friend.

This right now reminds me of where I used to live. Wishing I went home instead of being here, but didn't want to get up just yet. I shut my eyes.

Feeling the cold sand below me being disrupted from its normal standstill by the loud wind howling around me, I heard a dog bark in the distance, but didn't want to lift my head.

I felt something small tap onto my head. I opened my eyes and scanned the area, there is a thick mist wrapped around me I couldn't see the water anymore. I lifted my eyes to the dark sky.

Some clouds cleared- then a downpour of rain drops fell down onto me, like pelts. Standing up, my cold cheeks frozen, I lifted my right hand to try clean out my eyes, the wind suddenly picks up, blowing me forward. I tried to drag myself back to the open road. Once I reached there I stopped and opened my bag to get my phone.

No connection.

Shoving it back in my bag with a loud curse, I wrapped my arms around my middle and started to move in the direction back home. My phone said it was about eight and Tanner's Café would be closed now.

I swear someone up there has something against me, it's getting harder to think. Maybe it has to do with me not helping Abby earlier today. She came up to me, smiling like she does after class and asked me if I wanted to help her with her next protested. I felt really bad when her face dropped for a second when I said I was busy but she said it was alright.

My body began to freeze up, locking up my joints. It's getting too hard to move. I could hardly see what's in front of me.

After a time, I felt like there's something coming up behind me quite fast. Turning my soaking wet self around to see headlight go pass me. I couldn't hear the car stop, but felt it stop at the side of me, turning down the front window at my side.

'Dawson... oh my god, darling, everyone has been worried sick- get in!' I wipe my eyes again, looking through the passenger side window to see Ava, her voice is muffled by the rain.

I'll Rise Up - Completed #Wattys2017Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon