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Wednesday 3rd February 2016

Once we got to Tanner's café I smiled and waved at some of the customers I look after when I work. Cotton sits down as I put down my jar and flower. Then Ava came from around the counter and started to drag me to the kitchen. I gazed back at Colton to ask him if he'll be alright. He grins in reply which made me smile.

Once we got into the quiet kitchen, she points to the seat by the table. She leans her hip on the table and gives me a stern look.

''Why are you not a school?'' She observes me. ''I had an appointment and mum's said I'm having the rest of the school off.'' She gave me a concerned look, ''darling, what's going on?''

I explained vaguely that mum and I weren't on the best terms right now, not really wanting to go back into my bad mood. ''So the main reason for came over is I have to change my work time table, if it's alright?''

''Sure darling, what were you thinking for changing it to?''

''Wednesdays and Thursdays after school.''

Ava looked a bit thrown by my reply and thought for a couple of minutes and I let her. I gaze around the kitchen; I could hear a clock ticking. Turning my gaze back to Ava, she stared back.

''Well I understand darling, as long as you don't quit, you're one of the best employee I had the pleasure in employing, and I'm real surprised you've been able to do every day except your day off.'' She going to make me cry, she carries on, ''Not many could do that and I completely understand, you're young and you have school work, and I definitely don't want you to miss out on anything.''

''I'm not quitting Ava, don't worry, but are you sure?" I asked.

''Yes, it's fine darling and anyway my other granddaughter, Lake will be coming to live with me in a couple of weeks and she'll be working here.''

''I'm glad you'll have someone else here... your other granddaughter, I thought Olive was your only one.'' I really like her name.

''Well, Lake lives with her mom but they're not getting along right now, so she's coming here. I'm excited, I haven't seen her for years but we don't need to talk about that right now.'' Ava eyes twinkled mysteriously, ''so, that boy has stars in his eyes?''

I pull a face, ''who...Colton, what do you mean?' I have no idea what she's on about.

''Oh come on darling, anyone with eyes can see that Colton is smitten with you.''

I scratch my head lost in thought, Colton smitten with me? No he couldn't be.

''Yes, but anyways come on, you don't want to leave poor Colton hanging alone do you? Get on out there, I've got cooking to do darling.'' I stand and stumbled out of the swinging doors with Ava shooing me out laughing.

I see Nico taking Bobby some tea and Colton sat of the left side table besides the counter checking out the menu. I stopped where I was and just stared like a weirdo, his hair is growing out and seems to be always messy now. He's biting his bottom pink lip in concentration I could see him bouncing his foot up and down. How could I be so stupid. My belly feeling weird whenever I see him.

I like him.

''Dawson!'' I jumped out of my skin, quickly moved to see Nico, who has a half full empty plate of food in his hands.

I closed my eyes and put my hand to my chest, ''Nico you scared me.''

''Sorry sugar, but I've been calling you for a while now, you going to go sit down?'' I moved out of his way nodding and go over to the table. I becoming more and more nervous.

I'll Rise Up - Completed #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now