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 Wednesday 3rd February 2016

Once I got outside the building, the sun is a bright orange and the sky is a dusty pink, right ahead of me. The traffic was still busy; people quickly passing by so they get to work on time. I heard my phone buzz and I checked it.

Tyler: I'm here for you.

I tighten my hand over the back of my phone and looked around myself. The hospital is at the left side of me.

It was triple the size of the counselling building. Is it bad that I've been here for year but haven't explored? Well duh Dawson. I looked away to across the road to see a pet shop that piped my interested. I stopped at stop sign, pressed the button and waited a few minutes, the cars stopped to let me pass and I wondered into the shop.

The smell felt like a slap to the face. I couldn't quite explain it. It smelled of when you go to a farm and fresh hay had been put down, it wasn't a bad smell but I wouldn't like to worked here. 

I heard flapping of wings and others animals. The room was big and had lots of space. Fish tanks full of fish were placed on top of counters, on the right side and under where cages of little animals like mice and hamsters. I walked over to look. Such pretty colours.

A desk in the far left packets of food and toys hanged behind an older man, with a small hunch back, came over and smiled, ''You looking for anything in particular miss?'' In a tone that implied that he smoked.

''No sir, I just here to have a look around if that's alright?'' I questioned kindly.

''Sure is, if you find anything you like, don't be shy to ask ok.'' I nod gazing back to the colourful fish in awe.

I was looking at the bunnies after about ten minutes, when I small bark came from behind me. I turn to the man but he was minding his own business, letting me wonder and I moved to the left side, where it was sectioned off in gates that went to my thigh.

There were about eight cats, white, brown and ginger, some kittens too on the right but on the left side of the fence was a puppy that was huddled in the corner on top of ugly pink blankets.

It has hazel eyes with his soft pleading expression. ''Excuse me?'' I asked the older man and he came over.

''Why is it the only one puppy here?''

''Well Abira's brothers and sisters were all bought and she's the last one.'' He opened the gate and lets me in.

''Abira- what a pretty name.'' I said gazing at her but she didn't move. She had floppy ears, her head, except around her nose, that was white is an orange gold, like the sun outside.

''Why hasn't anyone picked her yet?'' I asked sitting down, putting the jar on the hard floor about an arm's distance away from her. She was sniffing the air with her nose, she is the cutest little puppy I've ever seen.

''Well the beagle is a very friendly dog but Abira is quite shy and she doesn't move so no one want to have her.'' I look back to her and we lock eyes and it was like a shock connection and I smiled as she stood up on dark brown wobbly legs, and slowly came up to me and sat in between my legs, her soft fur coat tickling my skin.

''Well I'll be damned,'' the man whispers behind me and I looked back to him confused.

''Sorry miss, it's just she's never done that, ever.'' I rub her softly and she grumbles softly, her head lay on my chest.

I walked out of the pet shop feeling giddy, in a much better mood and walked past the church, fire and police station. I got to the entrance of the shopping centre and walked in, I went passed the shops, up the stairs, passing the shops full of clothes, book, shoes... and got to the food court and order a smoothie and sat down, lots of children and parents around.

After a while someone sat across from me and I was confused till I saw who it was.

''Colton? What are you doing here?'' I questioned, his red lips lift in a grin, I looked back to his alluring eyes. He had on a white long sleeve top but pushed past he elbows and his hair looked neater than it did this morning.

He reached down to his shopping bag and pulled out a new phone, ''I needed a new one after I jumped into the water after you, it stopped working.'' Now I felt bad.

''I can pay for it for you?''

''Nah, it's alright,'' he chuckled, his teeth flashing then added after he stopped, ''so what was your appointment about?''

Looking at the jar in front of Colton, I lifted my smoothie to lips and drank some, it wasn't nice as it was warm now, so I put it down. Then without thinking I replied, ''I went to see my counsellor.''

His brows crises, ''Why do you have to see a counsellor?''

Opening my mouth but before I thought of anything, Colton spoke, ''no, don't tell me, I'm sorry for being nosey, it's just feel like we're friends.''

I nod and stare at him from under my eye lashes and tell him timidly, ''I feel the same..., you know about the friend's part,'' I rambled, moving my hands to mess with my smoothie cup.

His eyes lit up with amusement and he smirks. ''I'm glad.''

''Well I'm going to go over to Tanner's Café...'' I said feeling a bit regretful, that I have to leave.

''You want company?'' I smile as we pick up our stuff, ''Sure.''

We started walking back to the entrance. 'Here.' Getting my attention and I looked up to Colton then down to his hand where his new phone lay and he passed it to me.

''Er... what?''

''Can I have you number, so that if you ever need to run away, you can tell me and I'll come with.'' I felt my cheeks go so red as I muttered a soft ok and typed my number into his phone but before I typed my name into his contact he said he'll do it.

I grin, ''what... are you going to put Gem?'' He stared straight into my eyes replying confidently. ''Yes, I am.''

''Are you still not going to tell me why you call it me?''

''Nope, I will when it's time.'' He told me and I chuckled I can't wait.

We had just got to the entrance when all of a sudden Colton asks me stop and I frown as he walks away over to a booth full of plants and Flowers. My jaw drops, then Colton comes back to me and hands me a pink camellia with white ends.

''Thank you Colton,'' I whispered breathlessly, so touched as I lift my beautiful flower to my nose, to hide a smile behind the petals.

Hey guys so I just wanted to bring something to you attention, and i want you to tell me what you think :D 

I'm thinking of doing a series, on different characters and was wondering if you would be into that?

Give it a vote and your thoughts in the comment aswell please :D

I'll Rise Up - Completed #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now