chapter 11: accident

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It was an open field we came up to. Dante's clan was a good few feet away from Zero's clan, their hoods were up. Dante was in front. I looked, seeing the whole pack standing beside the whole clan but it was strange because in the mix was one of the hooded vampires. Only his hood was actually down and I gasped.

It was him. That face that haunted me from the very beginning. The very first one I saw. His features were softer then I remembered. His eyes were red around the rims. Who was that? Was it, could it be Jared? My mind couldn't think on it too long before my eyes found Zero. My heart was about to burst out of my chest. He was too busy glaring at Dante to notice we were there.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Zero. You can give the girl up." Dante shook his head.

"Not likely." Zero's glare deepened. Dante sighed.

"This isn't necessary--" His voice abruptly cut off.

His head turned. His clan's heads turned. The wolve's head's turned. Zero's clan's head's turned. Everyone was looking at us as Anya set me down. Zero's eyes widened as Dante smiled.

"I guess they didn't catch your scent earlier..." Anya muttered.

I didn't respond. My eyes were locked on Zero's. It seeemed like every emotion flashed across his face before finally deciding on anger. He glanced at Dante. It happend too fast. I think Dante moved toward me, but Zero lunged forward. And now Zero's clan and Jason's pack were fighting the hooded vampires. This was exactly why I came here, this is exactly what I was trying to prevent! I ran forward, Anya grabbed my arm.

"We have to--" I was interrupted by loud growling. I looked in the direction of the noise, seeing the pack had transformed into big wolves. They looked just the way they did in my dream, only bigger.

"Anya!" I gasped. I ran forward, she grabbed me again. I turned away from the fighting, seeing Zero attack Dante. "Do something, Anya!" I pleaded.

She looked at me helplessly, not sure what to do. Obviously she was contemplating on weither or not she should leave me. She seemed eager to go fight. She sighed.

"How much more trouble could I get into with him?" And then right in front of me she transformed.

My eyes almost popped out. She nuzzled her head against me momentarily as to say everything would be okay, then she spun around, leaving me on the side lines. I didn't like this at all. As soon as she took off, I followed.

Or I tried to, but something caught my leg and I fell forward. A long, grey arm caught me around the waist, lifting me to it's side. I let out a scream as we ran in the opposite direction of the fight.

"Put me down!" I screeched. "Take me back!" I looked up. My voice was lost. He wouldn't look at me. His big hazel eyes stared out in front of him. It was definitely Shane. He too, looked just the way he did in my dream. That dream....Zero came to mind instantly.

"Zero!" I shouted, remembering how the turn out of the fight had not gone in his favor in my dream. Shane seemed to cringe. His mouth opened slightly, showing his sharp fangs. I was still looking at him, though it was uncomfortable with the position of my body.

"Shane! Please, take me back!" I begged. He shook his big head. He didn't seem too dangerous to me.

"You have to! You don't understand!" I cried.

He seemed to run faster then suddenly stopped. I'm sure we were a good distance away from the fight. He set me down. I had no idea where I was, so I didn't try to run back. His eyes shut, he flinched and looked in pain as he was suddenly human again. He was naked! I looked away, not wanting to see anything. But it was as if he didn't even care he was standing here in front of me like this!

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