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After dealing with Niall and his same jokes about me looking like Eminem, 2 Chains, and Drake while we eat pizza, I finish my last slice and feel grateful that I can go to his room and get some sleep—where Niall and his jokes will stay outside

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After dealing with Niall and his same jokes about me looking like Eminem, 2 Chains, and Drake while we eat pizza, I finish my last slice and feel grateful that I can go to his room and get some sleep—where Niall and his jokes will stay outside. I'm done hearing him talk jabber for the night.

I need to be alone and get some good sleep. Today has been too crazy for me.

When I get up and put my plate in the sink, I tell Niall thanks for the pizza, and then I head towards the hallway.

"Where are you going?" He asks while holding a half-eaten slice of pizza in his hand. I think that's his fourth one.

"To your room. I don't know about you, Horan, but I'm tired and I want to sleep."

"What?" He exclaims. "Already? But it's only 9 and it's a Friday night!"

"And...?" I ask, still facing him, my back towards the hallway.

"Watch a movie with me or something. Come on, it's rare for you to come over like this." He whines.


"But princess—"

"No." I repeat.

"Fine." He frowns and bites into his pizza. "Yer a perty puper." He says, chewing.

I give a light chuckle and roll my eyes. For a second I remain standing there, and then I turn around to head towards his bedroom. Before I go in, I hear Niall shout after me again.

"Goodnight!" He shouts, and I can tell he still has pizza in his mouth. That boy needs to learn his table manners.

I'm about to shout back to tell him goodnight, but I don't. I just open his door and walk inside.

It's dark at first, but I find the light switch on the side of the wall. The bright light blinds me and then I can see everything. It looks the same, Niall's neat and organized bedroom. There's his queen-sized bed on the right side, touching the corner of the wall.

His bed is blue-themed; his sheets, pillows, and blankets all the color of dark blue. That and green are his favorite colors. A tan acoustic guitar is standing beside his bed as well. There's a flat screen TV sitting on his dresser, facing the bed.

He also has a desk beside his bed, with his books and a laptop sitting there. Unlike a typical teenage boy, whose room is supposed to be messy and stinky, Niall's isn't. Like I said before, he likes to be clean. I'm grateful for that.

I walk in towards his bed. My eyes linger to his desk that's right beside it and I see framed pictures standing beside his laptop. There are pictures of him as a child, with his same rosy cheeks, except his hair is brown. That's his natural hair color. He started bleaching it when he turned fifteen and I'm not sure why.

When I first saw him with blond hair, I thought it looked good on him. But I'll admit, I do miss his brown hair.

The same picture of us is still there. It was when my mom took us to the yearly carnival here in town. In the picture we're both only eight years old. I can still remember it.

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