Popcorn~~ Chapter Eighteen

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"I heard you are causing chaos, like usual." Maria says walking up the steps.

"This isn't even half of their plan." He says walking closer to me. "I heard about you and Tristen. Honestly, I did not see that one coming. I thought you and Tristen were pretty close."

"I'll kill you." She says reaching out to him. He swiftly stepped to the side.

"I would love to see that Maria." He laughs.

He lungs at her. It was like a blur. He had her by the throat holding her in the air. He walked down the stone steps holding her. I screamed at him to stop, but he didn't. I whispered a spell and threw a block of concrete at his back. He dropped her and grunted. The rock landed in the yard in pieces and dust. He looked at me in shock. I said the command for thorns and they wrapped around him to his neck, drawing blood. I smiled at him.

Maria stood up putting her hands on his head. He broke through the thorns and grabbed her hands flipping her over his back. She got up. Punches and kicks were thrown, faster than my eyes could catch. I couldn't do anything in fear of hurting Maria. A guy flew from the top of the house; it was the one who snapped Tristen's neck. He wore black dress pants, a blue collar shirt, and a black bow tie.

I heard a neck snap. Maria fell the ground. I ran to her and like birds the boys flew off. I sat down next to her. I turned to the steps and moved them back to normal. I pulled out my phone and called Silas. It went straight to voicemail. I called Eliot.

"Hey?" I heard Eliot's voice after a few rings.

I let out a sigh of relief. "Hey Eliot, Jett found me again. Maria found me and now her neck is snapped."

"You need to get away from Maria." Eliot says.

I stood up. "Why?"

"Because if she wakes up before I am there, she will feed off of you. She will be very hungry and I don't know if she will stop." Eliot says seriously. I walked away from her to the sidewalk.

"Where is Silas? He didn't answer his phone." I asked.

"I wasn't your first choice?" He teases. I heard the sound of his wings opening.


"He went out, either to feed, fly, or get some food in this empty apartment. I don't really know. I'll see you soon. Text me your address." He says and hangs up. I texted him my address. I called Silas again and there was still no answer. I called him again and when it went to voicemail I put it back in my pocket.

I waited there watching Maria. I saw her stir and I walked a little closer, to see if she is okay. She sat up and rubbed her neck. She turned and looked at me giving a small smile. "Can you help me up?" She asked holding out her hands. I sighed and grabbed her hands helping her up.

She stood up and didn't let go of my hands. I tugged on them. "Forgive me." She squeaks. I could feel the blood run from my face. She grabbed my arms and she started to feed off my aura. She squeezed her eyes shut. I could feel my head spin. Her gripped loosen and then tightened. I then felt like I could no longer breathe and I started to gasp.

Maria stopped and then squeaked. I could feel my vison go black and my body collapsed. It was like I passed out, but I could still hear. I couldn't move.

"Are you insane!? Silas will kill you!" Eliot screams.

"What?" I heard a pause. "Oh my god."

"I thought you had more control."

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