The Zachary Donovan Enigma - Epilouge

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  • Dedicated to Every single one of you who has read this far!!

Thank you so much to everyone who has been there since the very begining! Who voted and commented and basically gave me the motivation and encouragement to continue writing this story! I can't believe I actually finished it!! And I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for you guys!

And thank you to all the new guys, who still voted/comment/enjoyed my story along the way. You guys are awesome too! And your support is uuuberly appreciated!!

I love you all!!

<3 Helena.

Once upon a time, there was a time when my life was normal. When I used to be normal.

But now that seems like a lifetime ago.

There was a time when I could have blended easily into any crowd - and I guess I did make a habit of it...

The only mystery in my life had been why Zach Donovan hated me so much.

And the only worry I had had was failing my physics exam.

I laugh now when I remember how hard I‘d thought my life had been back then. Because soon after of course, everything changed. Life got strange, and it took concentration to blend into a crowd without something happening.

 I think it’s safe to say that failing physics soon became the least of my worries.

It all started with the dreams. Mostly about this guy, who made a deal with the devil.

And from there, it just got stranger.

At first, I thought I was alone in this. That there was something wrong with me, or I was going insane. And sometimes I still wonder if it was even real at all.

Because when you say it out loud, even I wonder if I hallucinated the whole thing.

I realised that there were others out there with a secret like mine, and that there was a reason why our lives had been turned upside down; whether we liked it or not. It turned out that we had a bigger destiny than just passing high school physics. And that we couldn’t just sit on the sidelines and watch the world go by.

Because, that wasn’t what we were born to do.


Instead, we were born to have our hearts broken.

We were born to stand up against evil.

We were born to lose our friends.

We were born to handle responsibility.

We were born to fall in love...

But most importantly; we were born to save the world.

There was a legend passed down through generations, through the ancestors of those that were there the first time. A dreamtime story, told through actual dreams. A prophecy, and a warning, of what was going to happen on December 21st 2012.

The legend told how the devil would return on the solstice, when the sun disappeared completely for a fraction of an hour. How he’d gain the power once again to destroy cities, and families - just as he did those thousands of years ago - from the demon spirits he resurrected.

Unfortunately, the legend left out how we were meant to actually defeat the devil. It left out how he would need my blood to complete the spell, and it also conveniently left out how the devil would come in the disguise of my boyfriend...

But anyways, in summary; the legend described the end of the world.

And as much as I tried to ignore it, as much as I didn’t want to think about it, and as much as tried to convince myself Eli was a good person, and Zach was a weirdo

- It described how we were the only ones who could stop it.

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