09: Please Don't Go

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The last few weeks for us were severely difficult. We knew that we would have to say goodbye soon but neither of us brought up the fact that he was leaving, I wasn't ready or another breakdown.

The room looked so empty without all of his things. I barely remembered my room without him. His cologne mashed with my perfume filled the room and I never wanted it to go. I knew that once he was gone it would all fade away into nothing.

We ended up just being together for our last few weeks. I wanted him to see New York while he just wanted to be together, although I didn't complain much, he is my favorite place in the world.

Packing up his things were extremely depressing. I would sneak a few of his hoodies and shirts into my drawer before him catching me telling me that I could have whatever I wanted.

I ended up keeping a variety of his hoodies which he never worse often, a few of his long sleeve and regular shirts, and a few of his flannels. I know that it sounds like I am taking his whole wardrobe but I just wanted to have something to keep me going through the next eight months.

The school highly disapproved in his coming and going. After all he just moved here not log ago and now he is leaving only to come back in a year. After many arguments they agreed that he could come back to school next year, senior year.

Lucas moving seemed to be affecting August almost as much as me. In the past couple of months he and August got super close super fast. He went to Lucas for advice in the middle of the night or which top to wear on a date.

I loved the fact that they got together so well. When he first moved in August seemed to not like the idea of my boyfriend living with me but it wore off real quick.

"What time is your flight?" I asked Lucas who was taping up the last few boxes.

"I have to leave now." He whispered dropping the tape. The tape hit the floor with a boom as he walked closer to me.

"Do you have to?" We agreed to say our goodbyes here. We didn't want to do at the airport with everyone around us, we wanted it special.

"Sadly." He spoke so softly that I could barely make out his words. His wrists grabbed mines pulling me closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me copying my current position. He pulled me closer to him so that I was pushed up against his chest. I head his heard pounding as a tear slipped from my eyes.

"Don't cry." He whispered kissing the top of my head. Him saying that only made me want to cry harder, it was finally becoming real to me.

He was leaving.

"Please don't go." I begged as more tears slipped from my cheeks. His shirt had little wet stains from my tears as I felt a tear drop onto my forehead. They weren't mines, they were his.

"I don't want you to cry." He mumbled into my hair causing me to laugh a little bit.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I don't know, princess, I don't know." His voice trailed off as he pulled farther away from me. He grabbed his boxes and suitcase and dragged them to the living room. He raced down the stirs putting them in his car then ran back upstairs for our final goodbye.

He ran into the room as I jumped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist burying my head in his shoulder as the tears started to pour out.

I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want to loose eight moths with him. There wasn't a fiber in my body that wanted him to go. I was completely obsessed with him. He was my drug and I was the user. It was like I was being taken off my painkillers. He was my painkiller and it was being ripped away from me.

The pain that I felt was inevitable. I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. He wasn't suppose to leave, we were suppose to have our happily ever after.

"Riley." He mumbled as I felt wiped my eyes. I wanted to hold on to him forever not ever wanting to let go.

"Lucas, please, don't go." I mumbled one last time as his lips crashed down onto mines.

The electric bolts started to fire in me again as I tangled his perfectly combed hair not giving a care in the world. His tongue roamed my mouth freely as I moved my hands from his hair to cup his face.

"Please come back for me." I whispered against his lips stopping all movement between our bodies.

"I will always come back for you." He whispered back putting me down.

He turned around walking out before I could say anything else. He was almost at the door when the three words slipped out of my mouth.

"I love you." I said clearly as he turned around. I got one last look at him taking it all in, I knew that he would look different the next time I see him.

"I love you more that you will ever know." Was the last thing I heard before he left permanently causing me to crash down to the floor.

Who Said I Didn't CareHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin