08: Hard To Let Go

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Being together was like a sport. Constantly trying to keep up with each other, wrestling on our bed for the kisses we longed for. Then finally kissing and it being the most electrifying feeling in the universe. His eyes begged for me as my hands knotted in his hair.

Him moving reminded me so much of my parents. I remembered a story that my father told me about my mother having to move away when they were our age. He fought for her to stay but her parents wouldn't let her. Then she snuck off to see him in the rain, what a hopeless romantic.

The only difference between us and them in this situation was the fact that Lucas would come back. A short eight months without him until the rest of our lives together. My mother wasn't suppose to come back, but love always wins.

Lucas's scent was my favorite thing in the world- scratch that, the way he wanted me was like adding a match to a flame. Watching his eyes crave me was a drug, and I wasn't going to quit anytime soon.

We were currently wrapped up together, not much of a surprise since this was all that we really did with each other. His face in my hair and my face in his bare chest. We would mumble to each other everything going on in our lives. An occasional mention of Samantha came up but after I told her off in the school hallways she didn't dare to speak to Lucas, not even if it was for a school project.

I felt his breath trickle down my neck as I threw my head slightly back. He nipped at the fragile skin as I slightly bit down on my lip. He watched me bite my lip as his eyes turned a deeper shade of green.

"You bighting down on your lip drives me insane." He mumbled against my neck. A smile of satisfaction grew on my face as his lips were more harsh against my skin. I knew that I would need to cover it up tomorrow.

He trailed his kisses up my back and across my jawline stopping right before his lips would hit mines. I felt my pulse quicken as he brushed a piece of hair off of my face. Instinctively, I wrapped my hands back into his hair pulling him closer.

The space between us shortened quickly as we got lost in ourselves. His kisses were harsh, the kisses burning throughout my body. Every kiss was full of electricity that would push throughout my body.

I coveted for him, wanting so much more. The feeling of his body pressed up against mines was a feeling that I wanted to have forever. I knew that I would never feel like this with anyone ever again.

We both pulled away trying to catch our breaths. I sunk back in our bed wrapping myself around him. I pressed my ear to his heart trying to follow the beats.




Was the song his heart played at such a rapid place. His lips rested on the top of med as I felt his breaths slow down. His arms rested around me pulling me an impossible closer.

My eyes closed against his skin. I felt his lips move but no words lingered in the air. His mumbles became more clear and louder as time went on.

"I know that you are sleeping and cant hear this, but I cannot find a way to say this to you when you are awake."

My body went into full on shock mode. Sweat started to trickle down my forehead as my heart began to pump faster. The thoughts that surrounded my mind were both positive and negative.


I stopped for a minute before continuing.

"You have changed my life in so many ways. I could not even begging to thank you for everything that you are. They way that I could open up to you is incredible. I have never felt like this for anyone. I want so bad for you to be happy, I want to take away all of your pain and make it so that you can be happy again."

I paused for a moment making sure that she was still sleeping. I felt her breaths slow down indicating for me to continue talking freely into the air.

"I wish that I could take the pain away but sadly, I posses no such power." I chuckled loudly into the air. She jumped a bit before going back to her earlier position wrapping her arms around me tighter.

I took in a deep breath as the smell of vanilla clouded my senses. Everything about her was just so perfect. The way she smelled and talked was like an angel singing me my own personal song. I wanted her smell to forever be engraved in my mind.

"We have been through some pretty horrible things if you ask me. Some things I am not proud of, but other things I am glad for. I want you to be happy while I am gone, even if that means not waiting for me. Its going to be hard to let go of you."

~ ~ ~

She woke up a few hours later. I was just about to drift off and join her when her sudden movement jerked me upright. She rubbed her eyes as she re tangled herself with me. Her chocolate brown eyes stared into mines as the lights outside dimmed.

The only light still on was the light across of the street which oddly enough seemed to be shining over Riley. Her eyes turned golden brown as the lights continued to shine on her. I got lost in the overwhelming beauty of her.

"What are you staring at?" She laughed not taking her eyes off of mines.

Her laughs were one of my favorite sound. Knowing that she was laughing meant that she was happy. She wasn't in pain. She didn't deserve to be in pain, she has been through so much already.

"You." I replied as her smile grew wider.

She was just irresistible. Every move she made fascinated me. For trying so hard to be happy, it always came to her naturally. Everything that happened in her life made her forget who she really is. Every ounce in my body wanted for her to be her normal self, but sometimes I don't even know what normal is.

"You are so sweet." She said hitting my chest. I laughed at her as I rolled over off of the bed. I sat on her window looking at the city lights, something I did quite often.


As the words left his mouth it was becoming harder and harder to stay asleep. Hearing everything that he was saying about me without me saying things back to him was pure punishment.

I sat up a few hours later waking Lucas from his daydreams. I smiled at him before I laid back down making sure to keep my eyes locked with his.

His thumb was brushing against mines making my breaths quicken. Such sudden movement made I practically impossible to move. The feeling of being impaled flooded my body as his hands reached up my arm.

The light from across the street started to slightly brighten. The light was shining on me making it practically impossible for me to see Lucas clearly.

"What are you looking at?" I laughed after a while of us staring at each other.

His lips twitched upwards as his smile became more broad. His thumb rested over mines as he leaned in closer to me, not breaking our eye contact.

"You." He whispered. I broke out into a smile as my heart began to push against my lungs making it hard for me to breath. I head his breath quicken as I began to scoot closer to him eventually landing on his lap. 

I felt an immediate bolt of energy course through me as I pressed my face against his. I wanted to be close tonight, closer then we have ever been before.

His lips responded to mines as he kissed me forcefully. Our kisses continued as his hands wrapped around my back pushing me up against his body. My hands messed with his hair as I felt his hands slip up my shirt.

I threw my shirt off onto the ground as I broke our kiss leaning against his forehead. I wanted us to be together tonight. I wanted us to connect in ways that we have never connected before.

"All the way?" I mumbled as his eyes grew an immediate size bigger.

"All the way."

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