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Shaking hands with the dark parts of my thoughts, no.
You're all that I've got,
Don't forget about me,
Don't forget about me,
Even when I doubt you, I'm no good without you, no.
-Doubt by Twenty One Pilots

"Zayn said that he's coming in ten minutes, are you okay?" Niall asked grabbing my hand

"Hm? Oh yea I'm fine, how about you? Are you okay?" I asked making him smile

"Of course I'm okay silly. I was asking you because you seem nervous. You've seen Zayn before what's different this time?" Niall asked wrapping his arms around my waist and going on his tippy toes to kiss my chin

Niall is so short it makes me so happy. He's like a small cute puppy, sometimes he pulls on my shirt making me lean down to his height or he jumps and wraps his legs around my waist and kisses me.
Its just been two days and he lights up my world, I didn't think I'd ever be this happy and he came and proved me wrong. I beg Zayn to not take my happiness away, I don't think I'd be able to survive if he took Niall away from me.

"I'm fine I promise you Niall." I said smiling and leaned down to give him a quick kiss on the lips

At that moment the bell rang and Niall ran to the door, "Hello Zaynie!" Niall squealed and hugged Zayn

"Hello Nialler how are you?" Zayn asked wrapping his arms around Niall

"I'm good come in!" Niall said stepping aside and soon Zayn came into view

"Hello Harry, you seem tense. Relax its not like I'm Niall's parents." Zayn said smirking and patting my shoulder

Well you sure do act like one.

"Please, sit." I said giving him a fake smile and I went to go get him a water bottle

"I don't think he's good for you Niall." I heard Zayn say to Niall as if I couldn't hear

"You say that every time I even look at a guy Zayn. Let me be this time please." I heard Niall say

"No but I'm certain he's no good for you Niall. You don't know, he could be on drugs! You don't know that guy!" Zayn said obviously loud enough for me to hear

"Zayn be quiet! I've known him for two months and he has no sign of him doing drugs whatsoever and -" Niall said but I decided to enter at that time

"Sorry for the wait, couldn't find the water bottles in the pantry." I said handing it to him

He looked pissed off when I handed him the water bottle, "Where's your bathroom?" he asked standing up

"Down the hallway to your left." I said raising my eyebrow

He took off and I looked at Niall in confusion, "What's up with him? He looked pretty mad if you ask me." I said trying to make it seem like I don't know anything

Niall just shrugged and pulled on my arm for me to sit next to him.

After ten minutes of him being the bathroom, Niall and I suddenly heard an "Aha!" come from down the hall

Niall and I got up and saw that my room's door was wide open and there was Zayn looking inside the drawer.

Oh God please no.

"Zayn, this is Harry's room get out!" Niall said behind me

"See I told you Niall!" Zayn said holding up the bag full of ecstasy pills and another bag of cocaine

My eyes started tearing up and I leaned on the door frame and I felt Niall's hand slipping away from mine.

Niall got closer to Zayn and examined the drugs and looked at me with tears in his eyes, "Wait so you, are his drug dealer?" Niall asked turning to Zayn

"I was just doing my job, my other job is protecting you and Liam sweetie and that's what I was doing." Zayn said smirking at Niall

"Zayn can you leave please. I'll see you later." Niall whispered

Zayn shrugged and soon we heard the door shut and Niall walked up to me.

"How come you never told me? Even when we were just friends, why did you take this?" Niall said tears already falling down his cheeks

"I did it to make me happy." I said letting tears fall down my cheeks too

"I thought you said I make you happy?"

"That's why I stopped." I said sobbing

a/n: ayee y'all remember that from the prologue ? ^ 

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