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You would scream, we would fight, you would call me crazy.
I would laugh, you were mad but you'd always kiss me.

And the shirt that I had that you always borrowed when I woke, it was gone there was no tomorrow. -If you don't know by 5sos

"How can you do this to yourself? Are you insane? You're a sick sick man Harry." Louis said holding the bag of cocaine

The tears wouldn't stop it almost felt like I was making Niagara Falls in my bedroom.
I was shaking uncontrollably and Louis still wouldn't shut up.

"Do you see yourself? Look at you, you're so messed up!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Leave now!" I screamed

"Don't have to tell me twice." he said throwing the small bag, spilling the white powder everywhere

"Harry did you even hear what I said?" Zach told me once I snapped into reality

"I'm sorry, been kinda off. What's up?" I asked

He rolled his eyes but continued, "I said to go clean out back, I'll take over." he said pushing me out behind the counter

I nodded and went to the back room, I opened the door and heard it slam. A sigh escaped my lips and I began to put different instruments into cases and such.

After an hour I looked at my watch and saw it was time to leave. I went to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I groaned when I remembered that it locked from the outside.

Can I get any more stupid? I kicked the door but it was no use, a bear could be here and make as much noise and no one would hear it.

I reached for my phone but unlucky me, didn't have it with me. Why must I put everything in my locker?

I should just get comfortable since I'm probably going to stay the night here until someone comes in.

What if no one comes in? What I'm trapped here for the rest of my life? Is this how I'm going to die? I mean I'm not complaining but really? Dying in a closet because I'm stupid?
I didn't even get to tell Niall goodbye!
Or have my first kiss!
Or have sex for the first time!

I'm so lame.

Two hours passed by and it was now eight and I'm really bored.
I laid on my back and looked up to the ceiling look at the fire escape.

The fire escape.

I'm pretty sure I called myself stupid one too many times today. 

I got up and stood on top of the shelves and pushed up the small door and pushed myself up and saw once I got on the roof it sure was dark out.

I went to the ladder that's placed on the back of the store and climbed down. I'll just get my stuff tomorrow then. I started walking home and once I got there I saw a black car parked on my driveway.

I raised my eyebrows and when I got closer I saw Niall's head leaning on the window.

And he's sleeping.

Why is he here?

I walked up to his side and tapped on the window but he didn't move at all.
I opened the door and if I didn't catch him in time he would've hit ground hard.

He woke up and fell out of my arms and still hit the ground.

Really Niall?

"Harry?" Niall asked getting up and running his head

"Yea, you okay?" I asked

"Yea, I went to look for you at work but you weren't there? Why are you getting out just now?" Niall asked shutting his car door and I lead him inside

"I was cleaning out the back room and I forgot that the door locks from the outside and well I found a way to escape." I chuckled

"Why are you here? Not to be rude or anything, but it's late." I said motioning for him to sit and I handed him a water bottle

"I was waiting for you to get home but I fell asleep." he said blushing

I cooed and sat next to him and put my arm around him, "You're so sweet." I said smiling

"Well now that you're here, you should stay the night. If you want I mean." I said feeling myself get red

"Yea, that'd be nice. Don't like driving at night. I'll take the couch." Niall said

"No no no, you're the guest. You get my bed." I said pulling him up from the couch

"Well if you insist." He said chuckling

"Do you have sweatpants I could borrow?" he asked once we reached my room

I pulled out two pairs of sweatpants and handed one of them to Niall, I pointed to the bathroom and he went inside to change.

I quickly changed before he came back in and I have to say I think I broke my record of how fast I could change.

He came back in changed in sweatpants but was shirtless.

Dammit Niall.

"Well I'll be in the living room on the couch sleeping. If you need anything don't hesitate on waking me up, goodnight!" I said leaving as fast as I could before I could get  a boner

He has a perfect body. Damn.

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