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This glass it break,
So delicate it shatters round my feet,
and my hands they bleed,
a stain I'll always remember,
a stain that stays with me. -I gave it all by Aquilo

It's been two weeks and I haven't seen Niall or Zayn. Not that I miss them or anything but it'd be nice to know if they're alive or not.

not that it matters.

I was walking towards the coffee house when I saw Niall enter.

Well he's alive.

I opened the door and the smell of coffee instantly hit me. I love coffee, it doesn't give me energy nor does it make me tired. It's just amazing, the taste of any coffee.
Mocha, Frappe, Cappuccino, Latte, Macchiato, Espresso. Any kind, I love all!

"I'll have a Latte with those big chocolate chip muffins." I said smiling at the young employee behind the cashier

I gave her the money and went to the side to wait for my order.

"Hello Harry, how are you?" Niall said walking over to me

"Hello Niall, I'm good. How are you? You seem alive." I said chuckling

"Sounds like you want me dead. But anyway, I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a while. Been kind of busy with Zayn being here, missed him a lot after a year." Niall said smiling and shrugged

"It's alright, don't want to be in the middle of that I'm sorry."

"No, no need to apologize. Um I've been thinking, would you like to have lunch with me?" Niall asked blushing

no. no you can't get close to anyone. and especially with someone as beautiful as Niall.
say no Harry. just a simply two lettered word. no.


Can you do anything right?!

"Awesome! Is one okay? and it'll be that small restaurant a few blocks from where you work at." Niall said smiling

"Yea that's great, I just don't work today."

"That's alright just write me down your address and I'll come pick you up." Niall said grabbing a napkin and a pen

I wrote down my address and handed it to him.

"Great, I'll see you then." he said smiling then left

damn you Harry.

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