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Wasted days,
Dreaming of the times I know I can't get back,
Seems I just lost track.
As all of life's colours seem to fade to grey.
I just walked away. -Invisible by 5sos

I have exactly one hour to find what I'm going to wear. This is just lunch so something I'd wear any other day.

Why am I freaking out? I should have said no!

I sighed and grabbed a Rolling Stones shirt and black jeans along with some boots.
Is this okay?

I guess so.

Should I take a pill? So Niall knows I'm having a great time.
No I don't think I should.

But what if I do need it?

Stop stressing out!

It's best if I don't take one, I still remember clearly the last time I went on a date and took an ecstasy pill.

"Harry are you okay? You seem a bit too jumpy." Louis said chuckling

"Yea! Yea! I'm fine, this is so much fun!" I said giggling

"We're just waiting for our food, calm down." Louis said chuckling again but started to fidget

"I can't! I just can't, I'm having so much fun with you Louis. You make me so happy, I'm so glad I'm here with you." I said clapping my hands and yelled

"Harry be quiet everyone's looking." Louis whispered

"Hey everybody! I'm on an amazing date with this cute guy named Louis right here!" I said standing up

"Harry sit down!"

I sat down and smiled big and folded my hands on the table, "Are you having fun? I'm having fun, what do you plan on doing over the weekend?" I asked

"Um nothing much, probably just going to be lazy all day." Louis said shrugging

I started laughing and after about six minutes I still couldn't stop, "Harry are you- are you on drugs?" Louis asked grabbing my head and looking into my eyes

When I didn't answer him he just took it as a yes, which it is, and he rolled his eyes.

"I can't and won't go out with some druggie. I'm out of here, don't contact me." Louis said leaving the restaurant

oh my god what if Niall finds out that I take drugs? He's going to hate me and never want to talk to me again!

But wouldn't he be okay with it since he knows Zayn and that he sells drugs? I don't know if he is okay with that but I'm pretty sure he knows that Zayn sells drugs.

I just wish this doesn't end up like my last date. My last date was about three years ago, I've never tried to go out with anyone again but I just can't seem to say no the only time someone asks me.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran to get the door and when I opened the door there stood Niall looking beautiful as ever.

"You ready?" he asks smiling

I nodded and grabbed my phone and keys and headed towards his car.

please let this go great.

Ecstasy Pill ||Narry||Where stories live. Discover now