19 | August

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I pulled my hoodie from the closet, the wind outside has gotten so much worse since yesterday. My hair has grown some, I almost forgot what it was like to have long hair, I pulled my hoodie on. I glanced out the window to the snow, fluffy and white, it fell in packs. I smiled to myself, I pulled on my hat almost skipping down the stairs. Mom and Joseph sat in the living watching TV, I wasn't sure what though, I slipped my scarf around my neck, I stepped outside once I slipped on my boots. The screen door squeaked loudly as I closed it, my breath puffed out as I took breaths of cold air, I smiled running down the stairs into the thick snow. I didn't think twice as I flung it around, I ran laving foot prints all around. The woods were no longer filled with color but white and black, birds could be seen all over, flying from tree to tree.

"Hey August!" I heard Heather call, I spun to see her slamming her truck door, a thick purple scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Heather?" I asked, "what are you doing here?"

"Well, grandma's asleep and moms at work, my dad decided to stay home." She explained stomping through the snow, "I thought I could come over."

"Oh," replied, "my mom and other half are inside."

"Well," she grinned, "wanna have a girls day? Just us without Joseph?"

I thought about that, I pulled at my scarf letting the cool air wrap around my neck.

"Sure!" I smiled, I attempted to run through the snow but my foot caught sending me to the ground, not that it hurt since I just landed in six inches of snow.

"Klutz." Heather laughed, grumbling to myself I stood up stumbling to the door.

"Hey mom!" I called, I shook my boots knocking off the snow. "Heathers here, can I go to town with her?"

"Heather?" Joseph stood up, he looked excited and happy at the same time, I smiled to myself, he clearly liked her but Joseph was never good with asking girls out he actually liked.

Just as he said her name she walked in, "yep, I wanted August and I to hang out."

"Well, I guess," mom answered, she wrapped herself tighter in her cardigan, "just don't be gonna too long, suppers almost done."

I nodded, running up the stairs I pulled off my boots to change out if my sweat pants, pulling on skinny jeans and my boots I bounded back down the stairs.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked Heather as I straightened my scarf and hat.

"Shopping." She smiled, "later Joseph."

"Bye Heather," he smiled sheepishly.

Closing the door Heather and I walked through the thick snow to the truck she drove, well since her mom is at work so was the car.

"This you're dad's?" I asked getting in, she nodded gunning the engine.

"Yep, he's at home so I borrowed his truck, its better with the snow and all." She backed out driving down the snow covered gravel, the trees hung low with the weight of snow hugging them.

After a thirty minutes or so, Heather pulled into town, snow was pushed up against the side of the road. My eyes grazed around, each building looked old and somewhat rustic adding to beauty, I loved the look of this town.

"Wanna stop at the grocery store?" Heather asked, "they have hot chocolate, coffee, wanna stop?"

I nodded, "sure."

"So, how's school for you so far?" Heather asked, "almost four months, you like it?"

I nodded, "yeah, I mean, its not as crazy as New York."

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