8 | Vincent

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First hour was a nightmare of Juniors.

They were restless because of summer and annoyed that school had come in a blinding flash or that's what I thought, no one likes school but you're always grateful you have it when it's all said and done. I pushed my black hair back, I need a haircut, it had gotten way too long for my taste. Stacking my papers I readied myself for second hour: the Seniors. I straightened my tie, I still get nervous about new years almost like I'm still a student...I would say in some ways I am but not in that context. The door opened flooding in with familiar faces, they sat in random seats but they knew that I would soon fix it, picking up my attendance sheet I cleared my throat just as the bell rang.

"Alright guys!" I smiled, I looked at my sheet, "you know the drill if you had me last year."

Groans erupted but they stood grabbing their things.

"Carl, first desk." I stated, a tall Hispanic boy with a witty sense of humor walked up front sitting down.

"Amber, behind Carl." I said, Amber was short but smart. She followed my orders sitting behind Carl.

This went on for a few minutes, calling names and telling them where to go, but as I reached the end of my list I noticed two missing persons: the new kids. Late on the first day? Not quite the impression they should've made, I smiled to myself, I did the same thing in High School.

"Anybody know where the new kids are?" I asked the class, no's and maybes erupted. Well, that was no help.

"Lost probably." A voice said, I looked to Heather, a girl with a blunt personality.

"Do you know where?" I asked.

She shook her head no, she sat right beside the desk they should've been in. I shrugged, well, if their lost they'll find their way. Just as I was about to start class, the door opened with two identical faces. Twins?

They both had short messy brown hair and the same freckled face, the girl however was shorter and hid behind her brother.

"We're very sorry we're late!" The boy explained, his hand held his sisters who clung to him nervously. "We couldn't find your room anywhere."

I nodded picking up my attendance sheet, "so I'm guessing your Joseph?" He nodded briefly.

My eyes shifted to the girl, her eyes were focused to the floor with thick eyelashes shading her dull eye that seemed so empty. I coughed bringing myself away from her eyes, what am I doing?

"And your August?" I asked her, just for a second she looked at me nodding.

Joseph scratched his head smiling, "my sister is pretty shy."

"Well, that's fine." I replied, I pointed to the two empty seats next to Heather, "sit right over, those are your assigned seats so sit in em' year round."

He nodded leading his sister to the back, sitting down they looked up at me. And here is where it begins.

"So guys, Seniors huh?" I asked them all, like leaning on my desk crossing my arms over my chest.

"It sucks!" A boy in the yelled, I chuckled in agreement.

"Yeah I agree with you on that but it all happens." I told him, "to all of us."

I got a few nods in response, "I'm seriously not ready to do taxes and crap." A girl from the back moaned.

I sighed, looks like this is all I'll hear all year, whining about life.

"Well, guys." I begin, "high school is the easiest part of life, it prepares you with what life will throw at you."

Carl smirked laughing, "like how?"

"Well, let's say your homework is your bills and school is a job." I replied, Carl rolled his eyes mockingly.

'I have a Job at the restaurant and it sucks," he groaned.

"You're lucky, when I was kid I didn't have a job because I was lazy, you guys do." I shrugged picking up a stack of blank papers.

"Wow, wow, wow!" Carl said, "you're giving us homework?!" He motioned to the papers in my hand.

I nodded.

"The first day?" He went on.

I nodded again.


I sighed passing out the papers with very simple directions on them.

"It's easy, Kid." I licked my fingers handing a stack to a girl in front. "Some of you I do know and some I don't, so-"

"We write about ourselves?" A voice said from the back. I looked up to see the kid, Joseph held the paper looking right at me.

"Yeah, you do." I answered.

"Like what?"

I thought, "like what you did over the summer and such, it doesn't matter how long it is or anything."

After I finished handing it all out I have and back on my desk looking over the class, all eyes were the papers except her. August, Joseph's twin, stared out the windows with a dull blind look in her eyes, I followed her eyes to the fall trees. She looked....numb, like someone who couldn't feel even their own heartbeat. What was wrong with her?

I sighed, it's not my job to counsel, I walked behind desk sitting down, but something made me look up back to her. What am I doing? Staring at a student? I shook my head looking back down at the papers in front of me.

"Mr. Richards, what did you do over the summer?" A boy asked from the back.

I looked to see all eyes on me but hers, I sighed, my summer wasn't exactly pleasant.

"I worked, took care of my mom, and worked." I said briefly, my heart throbbed.

'Your mom is gone......there's no one to take care of now.' A voice said bitterly, I gulped down a scream.

I know she is.

"That's it?" Heather asked. I looked at her, her eyes looked back, I gripped the pencil in my hand. Calm down. I forced a smile nodding.

That's it: fake it.

I need to because I have job, mom would say the same thing. I knew she would.

"That's no fun." Carl laughed, he wiped his eyes as if he was crying, I faked a chuckle as if I was laughing with him.

"Well, for teachers when school is out, we need to work." I replied, "that's what you do when you grow up."

Amber spoke up, not to happy about what her future would be like. "That doesn't sound like fun."

I nodded again looking down this time, it isn't but that's life and I can't change it. I'm not in control of what happens to me, I'm not but I can make the best of what happens to me starting with my mom.

She's gone.

So now, I move on.

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