Captain Hydra

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***WARNING**** This one shot will not be a happy one, I was just inspired by all the Hydra bull crap that's going on in the comics with Cap. You have been warned.

Bucky stood outside the apartment door, nervously shifting back and forth on his feet, wondering if he should knock or not.

He raised his mechanical arm to knock on the door, hesitated, then sighed and placed it back down by his side.

Would Steve want to see him?

Bucky hoped so.

He wanted to see Steve.

But it had been two years. Bucky finally got the courage to go back and try to find the man that he saved from the river.

It wasn't too hard, surprisingly.

He went back to the museum he had went to before he fled and got some extra information.

Steven Grant Rogers was his full name.

Bucky then decided he liked the name.

The name played through his head like a sweet melody, and Bucky found himself grinning like an idiot when the name would roll through his mind.

Once, when Bucky couldn't sleep, he even said the name out loud.

"Steven. Grant. Rogers. " Bucky had whispered quietly.

Embarrassed by what he had just said, even if he was alone in his cheap apartment, Bucky had blushed and giggled slightly.

The name was like sugar on his tongue.

So sweet and it just seemed. . . Right.

Like his lips had been specifically made for saying that name.

Bucky then wanted to hear Steve say his name.

He didn't want to hear him say it with confusion, wondering how his friend from his past life could possibly be alive, not with a voice laced with pain, while Bucky coldly beat him and Steve tried to shake him from his seventy years of brainwashing.

No, none of that.

Bucky wanted to know if Steve had once got the same feelings saying Bucky's name as Bucky did his.

"James Buchanan Barnes. " Bucky would sometimes whisper to himself, when he needed to be reminded that he was that man, not the Winter Soldier.

He wanted to hear Steve say his name so badly.

"James Buchanan Barnes, I love you." Bucky had once dreamed of Steve saying the words to him.

He had awoken and decided he needed to find the man.

So here Bucky stood, more nervous than he ever had any memory of being, at Steve's doorway.

Bucky took several deep breathes, then raised his metal fist and lightly knocked on the door.

He waited.

He waited more.

But instead of being met with the opening of a door, Bucky felt a cool piece of metal being touched to the back of his scalp.

Bucky's breath hitched in his throat. He knew exactly what it was.

"Well if it isn't the Winter Soldier. " The owner of the gun pointed as his head said.

Steve, Bucky thought.

The gun was taken off of his head and Steve Rogers then stood in front if Bucky.

He looks good, Bucky couldn't help but think.
The super Soldier wore gym shorts and a tight fitting shirt with a grey hooded sweatshirt over it.

"Steve. " Bucky said, out loud this time

Steve smiled slightly. "I knew it would only be a matter of time before you showed up here. " He shifted the gun from one hand to the other.

He saw Bucky's uneasy gaze on the weapon. Steve laughed as he spun it inbetween his fingers. "This little thing? Don't worry about it, Buck. Just a lil insurance in case you decide that you'd like to kill me. "

Bucky took a shaky breath before quietly saying, "I wouldn't do that, Steve. Not anymore. " He looked into Steve's eyes and decided that pictures didn't do them a bit of justice. They were surrealisticly beautiful .

Steve laughed again, and Bucky couldn't figure out why he kept laughing. "And why is that, Bucky? " He seemed to spit out the name, like it tasted bad on his tongue.

Bucky just stared at him for a few moments. It didn't make any sense. Steve had tried to save him, why was he acting this way?

"Well, " Steve said as he took a step closer to the other man. ' Tell me, Buck. Why won't you hurt me now? " His voice was mocking and dripping with malice.

Bucky's breath was ragged, and his palms were sweaty.
Steve took another uncomfortably close step next to him.

This couldn't be the Steve Bucky had saved from the river.

Maybe Steve didn't think this was the real Bucky.

That had to be it.

Pulling himself together, Bucky took a deep breath as he himself stepped closer to Steve, their chests almost touching, their eyes meeting.

"Because I love you, Steve. " Bucky whispered, never breaking his gaze from Steve's.

Steve's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before regaining his cold expression and lunging at the other man.

Before Bucky knew what was happening, he was slammed into the hallway wall, Steve's arm over his windpipe, the gun pressed firmly against his forehead.

"S-Steve, no. " Bucky whimpered. "I'm good now, I promise. " Tears began to brim his eyes.

Steve chuckled darkly as he leaned closer to Bucky, his hot breath on the other man's face. "You can never be good. You are a machine, not a human with petty emotions. " His grip tightened on the brunette's throat.

Bucky was fully crying now. This couldn't be his Steve.
His Steve was kind and gentle and loved Bucky.

"I'm sorry for what I've done. " Bucky managed to say with the other man's steely hold on him. He brought his metal arm up and tried to pry Steve's arm off of his neck, but failed.

The other man laughed again. "I wouldn't worry to much about it, Bucky. It's not too hard to train and brainwash a man, we can do it again. "

Bucky's body began to quiver due to the air shortage and fear. He was done being the Winter Soldier. "I-I don't" he gasped for a breath. "I won't do that anymore. " he managed to say.

Steve smiled cruely. "Oh, you won't have to. Your mission is complete. "

The trigger that Captain America held with his index finger was pressed inward with a sickening click.

The last thing Bucky saw was his best friend preparing to kill him.

Pop, the bullet went, burrowing itself inside the man's brain, and coughing up blood onto the white hallway wall behind him.

Steve Rogers removed the gun from the other man's skull, and left the murder sight, murmering two words under his breath.

"Hail Hydra. "

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