More Snuggles Because I Love Stucky So Much

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             As he strained to keep his eyes open, Steve  pulled the key for his apartment out of his pants pocket and unlocked the door. 

He yawned sleepily as he kicked his shoes off on the rug that lied by the door and carefully,  yet tiredly, made his way through the dark apartment.

A dim glow peeped through the cracked bedroom door,  causing the man to squint his eyes ever so slightly.  He quietly opened the door and smiled at what he saw.

His boyfriend lay sleeping on the bed,  his body bare  with the exception of exercise shorts,  his face burrowed into Steve's pillow,  and his hair a floppy mess disheveled around his face.

Bucky stirred as Steve sat down at the head of the bed and ran his fingers through the other man's dark locks.

The man sleepily popped one eyelid open and peered up at his boyfriend.  "Hey baby. " He said in a tired voice as Steve continued to run his fingers through the other man's hair.

"Hey, " Steve said,  smiling softly.
"Sorry I woke ya. " he said as he removed his jeans and T-shirt, leaving him in just his boxers.

Bucky purred in satisfaction as the other man leaned down and placed a light kiss on his forehead, and wriggled his body closer to him.  "Mmm,  how was work? " he asked.

Steve yawned in response as he laid down on the mattress and pulled the duvet over the both of them.

Bucky reached over Steve's body and turned off the lamp with his metal arm,  then flopped back down lazily next to his boyfriend.
He began to lightly press hot kisses to the other man's neck in the darkness, working his way down to his collarbone.

Steve groaned in reply, playfully pushing Bucky away, and said,  "Buck,  I wanna sleep. " He rolled over so his back was against his lover's chest.

The other man Just chuckled in response as he wrapped his arms around Steve's waist and complained into his ear,  "But I love ya, Stevie."

"Love you too,  Buck,  just lemme sleep. "

"But I love ya. "

"I know. "

"Then snuggle me.  Now. "

Steve sighed,  rolling his eyes at his boyfriend's childish antics and rolled over once again so his chest was against the other man's.

He pressed his forehead to Bucky's,  brushing the dark hair out of the man's face. He placed one arm around Bucky's shoulders and the other under his own head.  "Is this what you wanted? " He asked in a low voice, his hot breath hitting Bucky's face.

Bucky shivered, nestling his head into Steve's shoulder and sighed contently. "Yes. "

Steve let out a chuckle. "You're such a dame sometimes. "

"'M your dame. "

"You act like a baby. "

"'M still your baby. "

Steve smiled as he rubbed slow,  soft circles into his boyfriend's bare shoulders. "Yeah. " he whispered.
"You're my baby. "

"And your dame. "

Steve quirked an eyebrow. " You wanna be my dame?"

Bucky laughed giddily and smiled.  "I'll be your anything,  Stevie. "

The man smiled as he pressed a soft kiss to Bucky's lips. "I just want you to be my Bucky. "

Humming in response,  Bucky peppered a few more kisses to Steve's neck.  "I can be your Bucky.

Steve smiled again as he closed his eyes and pulled his lover closer.

The couple laid quietly in the dark, silent for a moment before Bucky said,  "But would I still be your dame? "

Steve chuckled as he kissed the other man's forehead softly.  "If you were a dame,  yeah. "

"And your baby? "

"And my baby. "

Bucky lifted his head and gave Steve a small peck on the cheek.  "Wanna be your kitten,  too. "

Cracking a grin,  Steve asked,  "My kitten? "

"Mm-Hm. " He nuzzled his head back down onto Steve's shoulder.

Steve once again ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. "Yeah,  you can be my kitten. "

The other man hummed happily as he snuggled closer to Steve, closing his eyes and began to drift off.

"Love you,  Buck. "

Bucky just sighed sleepily in response,  but that was enough for Steve.

He knew that his Bucky loved him,  and that he would be anything for him.

But all he wanted was his Bucky.

Steve rested his head down on Bucky's, and fell asleep to the sweet knowledge that his Bucky loved him.

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