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                         Soft, unwanted sunlight shined through the flimsy blinds on the windows, warning the sleeping couple of the soon arrival of morning. 

Except Steve wasn't sleeping. He'd hardly slept at all the previous night, fear and worry invading his dreams. Today Bucky would ship out to go off and fight the war.

They'd spent the evening together; Bucky took Steve to this futuristic event uptown,  where they got to see amazing creations that could change the world,  including some of them by the infamous Howard Stark. It would've been a wonderful way to spend as a couple together  if it weren't for one little catch.

Bucky had invited two girls for them each  to pretend to be interested in.

Due to previous accusations by their neighbors, the two were forced to go out with women to keep the police and busybodies out of their private lives.

Well, mainly Bucky. Most could understand why Steve never had a dame on his arm; between the choice between Bucky- tall, handsome as hell, charming and strong, or Steve- skinny, asthmatic,  and would have to use a step stool to kiss a girl- Bucky was the obvious preference. 

It had hurt Steve that he had to spend his last night following Bucky and his 'date' around, and Bucky knew it.

Feeling frustrated that he could barely walk beside Bucky without everyone accusing them of being 'queer ', Steve walked off by himself, abandoning Bucky and the pretty brunette that clung to Bucky's arm.

His mind foggy with a fine mix of anger and hurt, Steve did the only thing he had been doing lately; enlist for the army.

He couldn't imagine being stranded in Brooklyn without Bucky, he would rather risk his own life for his country than be without him.

So he made another attempt at enlisting.  Which failed.

Doctor Abraham Erksine took one look at him and shook his head sympathetically, ushering him out wordlessly.

By then, Bucky had found him. Steve was on the verge of tears.

Bucky took one look at him, saw the enlistment form in his hands with the stamp of disapproval marked on it, and stooped down and engulfed him in his arms. 

For half a moment,  Steve tried to be strong, before losing all composure and burrowing his nose in the crook of Bucky's neck.
The embrace between the two men lasted too long to be considered socially acceptable; anyone that recognized them would be sure to talk.

Steve didn't care. He just held on tighter.

Once Bucky let go of Steve, he whispered to the smaller man with a soft voice,  "C'mon,  we're going home."

So back to their cheap, rental apartment they went, walking side by side but not too close.

Once inside the apartment,  Bucky grabbed Steve by the waist gently and embraced him once again. This time, however,  it was more private, more intimate.  More. . . theirs.

Steve could no longer contain his emotion.  He clung to Bucky for all he was worth and sobbed. Bucky continued to hold him all the while. 

Finally,  Steve pulled away from his taboo boyfriend, but not before giving him a brief kiss.

That led to Bucky pulling him back in for a more passionate,  deeper kiss.

When their lips departed, Bucky muttered, "Let's go to bed, Doll. "
He took Steve by the hand and led him to their shared bedroom.

As the night grew on, their time together waned. They savored it by whispering sweet nothings to one another, sharing gentle kisses that led to deeper, hungrier ones that led to Bucky hovering over Steve, drenched with sweat and breathing heavily but beautiful as ever in Steve's eyes, inside of him, promising him eternity together as soon as the war was won.

Afterwards, the secret couple laid in their shared bed silently. They slept a little,  but knew once they opened their eyes it would be time to say goodbye. 

Now, as Steve laid awake, he realized that that time was quickly approaching.  Next to him, Bucky stirs, murmuring something sleepily before turning onto his opposite side.

Despite all the sadness inside of him, Steve smiled ever so slightly. He really did love his Bucky.
And he dreaded being apart from him.

He moved a little closer to Bucky, wrapping his arms around Bucky's waist, laying his head on his back, inhaling his scent.

Moments later, Bucky stirred again, arousing from his sleep.
Turning over, he gazed tiredly into Steve's eyes. "Mornin', Babydoll. " His voice was raspy from the lack of using it- Steve always loved it.

Steve would've said good morning back, if he hadn't began to cry. He realized that he wouldn't wake up next to Bucky for a long time.

As soon as he saw the shiny tears well up in Steve's eyes,  Bucky immediately wrapped his arms around him and pulled him to his chest.

Usually so talkative,  Bucky was unusually quiet.  Steve collected that Bucky was feeling the weight of his departure as well. 

Steve clung to Bucky's bare chest as he sobbed.

"Baby, I need you to calm down, yeah?" Bucky finally spoke. "You'll give yourself an asthma attack."

Reluctantly,  Steve unhinged his arms from Bucky's neck, though tears still rolled down his cheeks. He allowed himself to take several deep breaths before he whispered, "I don't want you to go."

Sympathy filled Bucky's eyes as he titled Steve's face up and left a soft kiss on his rosy lips. "I know, baby. " He pulled Steve back into his arms.

Steve began to cry softly again into Bucky's shoulder, clinging to him like it was their last day together. Because for all he knew, it might be.


              Steve watched as Bucky climbed aboard the train that would take him to his training base.

Right before disappearing inside the train, Bucky turned and waved to Steve with a smile on his face, yet Steve could see the pain in his eyes.

Steve waved back, managing a small smile as well as choking back the sob that sat in his throat. The train slowly began to creep down the tracks, with Bucky in it, leaving Steve alone and heartbroken.  On his lips were the words that he swore to never utter; goodbye. 

He refused to say it. For now it was see ya later, pal and don't do anything stupid, you punk, until Bucky Barnes was back by his side.

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