Lilac Sky (Blue Part 2)

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Eyy so this is the part two to blue. (I rhymed. Haha.) So. . . Yeah. That's all.

It was the second time Steve had seen his best friend locked up. He had hoped that the first time would be the last, when his fellow Avengers labeled him dangerous and unstable.

Now, as much as Steve hated to admit it, Bucky had put himself in this cell.

Steve wanted to cry. He was sure he looked undoubtedly childish and weak to his best friend, who sat on the other side of the visiting room, a piece of Plexiglas separating them, with his arms crossed and a scowl etched on his forehead.

The thing is, Steve felt completely deserving of his hatred. He should've been a better friend, he could've done more. Steve didn't blame Bucky at all for hating him, even if his friend was the one who ran away and began stealing prescription pills from drug stores, and eventually, landing himself in jail.

"Well were you just going to stare, or were you actually going to visit during visiting hours? " Bucky suddenly snapped, his voice sharp like glass, cutting into Steve.

Steve's eyes widened as he blinked back the hot tears that were threatening to spill out of his eyes. It was so unlike Bucky to be so mean.

"I'm sorry, " he managed to whimper out.

Bucky rolled his eyes. "You're always apologizing for something, aren't you? "

"I-" He stopped. It was probably best not to answer.

Bucky was quiet for a moment before saying,
"I suppose you thought that when I came to live with you, you could fix me, didn't you? " The man on the other side of the glass basically spat.

Steve's heart shattered at the question. In a way, he did think that at first. He soon found out that he couldn't. He remained silent as his friend went on.

"Yeah, you thought you were being a hero, didn't you? " His voice was rising, more anger bubbling beneath it. "Well how about this, Stevie. " Bucky looked him in the eyes as a single tear escaped Steve's eyes, and said in a venomous tone, "You. Can't. Fix. Me. "

He was silent as he let the words sink in.

Steve began crying, tears falling freely now. "I-I know. " He sobbed out. "I know, and I am so, so sorry, Buck. "

Bucky frowned at the words. "Why are you sorry? " The man demanded. "You didn't even do anything. How could you possibly feel sorry? "

Shaking his head, Steve murmured out, "Because I didn't help you enough. Because I let you walk out and didn't do anything to stop you. Because I love you, I never even told you. "
He didn't care anymore if he looked like a blubbering mess. He'd lost Bucky too many times to lie to him now.

"You- you. . ." Bucky shook his head. "You can't love me. " He whispered.

"But I do. I do, I love you so much, Bucky. " Steve silently prayed that Bucky would say he felt the same way.

Then, it was like a dam breaking. All the emotions Bucky had kept buried and hidden underneath layers of a straight face came pouring out like a flood, and he was unable to control it.

"I-I. . . I love you too, Steve. " He began sobbing. "I love you so much, and I just couldn't tell you, I couldn't bring myself to burden you with all the things. . . All the terrible, terrible things that I've done. " He shook his head. "I'm so sorry. "

"I know baby, I know. " Steve soothed him. He desperately wanted to piece if glass that separated to vanish so he could hold his baby. "It's okay, Buck. "

He reached his hand up to the glass and pressed it against the smooth surface.

They would get through this. Together, they would fix each other.

Slowly, Bucky raised his left, metal hand and pressed it to the glass as well, so only the inch if glass kept them from touching.

"Til the end if the line? " Bucky asked hopefully.

Steve nodded, as he confirmed. "Til the end of the line. "

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