Our Secret

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Steve opened his eyes groggily, yawning and stretching his skinny arms. He lazily smacked his lips and rubbed his eyes. Streams of early morning sunlight peaked shyly through the blinds.

His blue eyes suddenly went wide when he remembered the past events of the night before.

He was lying next to Bucky.

Steve's eyes took in the sight of the man that lay sleeping next to him.

Bucky's hair was disheveled, his shirt was on the floor, and his arms were thrown carelessly around Steve's small waist.

Steve couldn't help but think that Bucky looked beautiful like that, bit felt scandalously filthy at the thought.

Yet thinking that way about his best friend made him somehow feel wonderful.

Steve tried to determine if he was dreaming or not.

He certainly thought he was dreaming last night, when Bucky came home drunk from a date with a dame.

His shirt was unbuttoned, his eyes foggy, and he had a smirk on his lips.

"Missed you, Stevie. " he had said when he walked dizzily through the door, pulling Steve into a sloppy hug.

Steve had blushed. Bucky occasionally got more affectionate towards him when he was really, really drunk. Steve usually just pretended to be asleep.

But Steve hadn't made it to the couch in time to put on his charade that time, so he stood there, his friend's arms thrown around his waist, his mouth by his ear.

Steve could smell the alcohol on his breath as Bucky whispered to him, "I missed you alot. "

Steve hadn't answered him. He just changed the subject, pushing himself away from Bucky. "How was your date? You're home early. "

Bucky plopped down on the sofa, rolling his eyes. "Out of all the boring dames in Brooklyn, this one was by far the worst. She wouldn't even dance with me, Stevie! " He threw his arms out in exclamation.

Steve chuckled quietly.

"All I could think is, I spent three whole dollars buying this girl dinner, the least she could do is dance with me. But nooo, she refused. "

He drunkenly threw his head on the back of the sofa and looked at Steve. "But I missed you, " he said again.

Steve took that as his cue to leave. "Well, I'm real tired, Buck. Think I'm gonna hit the sack. " He got up off the couch, only for Bucky to grab hold of his arm, pulling him back down.

"Why won't you spend time with me, Stevie?" Though drunk, Steve could see in his friend's eyes that he was hurt.

Steve stared at his drunken friend. He shook his head and said softly, "Bucky, you're really, really drunk. I think we should both just call it a night."

Bucky frowned at him, and Steve was worried that he'd angered his friend.

The taller man leaned closer to the other, and hissed, "Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean that I don't know what I'm doing."

Steve was about to get up again when Bucky placed his hands firmly on Steve's shoulders, pushing him down onto the sofa, and crashed his lips into the other man's.

Steve's eyes were wide, his mouth open in shock, unable to move as Bucky curled his fingers around his neck and deepened the kiss with his best friend.

Steve couldn't say that he'd never thought about kissing Bucky. He would never act on it, of course, but he had certainly fantasized about it.

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